Adding D-rings/ shackles to frame. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding D-rings/ shackles to frame.


Well-Known Member
June 16, 2009
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hey guys. i want to add some D-rings
something like this

basically i want to drill a hole into the frame and put one on each frame rail and then use that for a tow strap mounting spot when we are offroading.

is the frame going to be strong enough like that or will it just fold and break the frame?

if not what are ideas for some tow strap mounts up front?

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You would probably want to have a little bit beefier mount. Maybe like 3/8" plate, or angle going down the frame a foot or so, bolted to the frame- with some of THESE welded to it, poking out the front to put your clevis's on. (Just my .02, as I've been thinking of doing the same..)


so basically weld those to the frame and then put the shackles onto that?

these are for a Raptor according to the parts computer at the dealership i work at but they look like the tow hooks on ever 4x4 F-150 from 2005-up. I bolted them on as well as welded.



