Adios Amigos | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adios Amigos


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Flower Mound, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT 4WD
After 26 years, I decided to give up my 1991 Explorer. I bought it new in '91, and it has served me well all these years.

Every time I drove the Ford I felt it was unsafe. Aggressive drivers treated me differently than when I drove my wifes newer car. It needed lots of work to get it roadworthy again. I had to part ways.

The reason I am posting this is because this forum has helped me keep it running. It is a good community and I will miss it, but time to move on.

Thanks to all of you experts who contribute for the sake of helping others. It may seem like a thankless duty, but it is not. It is about as American as you can get!

Thanks everyone.


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Sorry to hear that you are selling your '91. I am the original owner of my '93 and I just can't let her go :D

Sorry to hear that you are selling your '91. I am the original owner of my '93 and I just can't let her go :D
I was the second owner of my 94 and it about killed me to have to let it go. I actually teared up as it drove away.

Our '92 XLT purchased new is still going strong at around 235K miles, and I'm not going to give it up until either it or I can't drive anymore! It still runs well, is reliable, takes me where I want regardless of conditions, and has everything in it that I want in a vehicle. Most of all it's been paid for since day one. I purchased a '94 Limited with rebuilt engine and transmission but 'distressed' body about 7 years ago with the intention of making it look almost new again. I drive it almost daily and haven't yet found the time to make it 'look almost new'. It now has around 245K miles and I enjoy driving it too much to park it for body work. IMHO the Gen1 Explorer is one of the best value vehicles ever built - at least for my needs.



Just because you are letting go of your Ex doesn't mean that you can't still hang around and help others with problems you have seen and solved.

I feel that most of us here are here to help others.


Just because you are letting go of your Ex doesn't mean that you can't still hang around and help others with problems you have seen and solved.

This is right. With 26 years of ownership, you have more knowledge and experience with these trucks than you probably realize.

For example...I'd like to know if, back in '91 when you bought it -- did you have to dicker with the dealership, or were they offering good deals for them back then?

This is right. With 26 years of ownership, you have more knowledge and experience with these trucks than you probably realize.

For example...I'd like to know if, back in '91 when you bought it -- did you have to dicker with the dealership, or were they offering good deals for them back then?
The new explorer was marketed well and I believe it redefined the whole SUV concept. The dealerships stuck to the overpriced sticker because of demand. We paid way too much, $25,000 drive out in '91 broke the ceiling of car prices.

The new explorer was marketed well and I believe it redefined the whole SUV concept. The dealerships stuck to the overpriced sticker because of demand. We paid way too much, $25,000 drive out in '91 broke the ceiling of car prices.

I remember the sky-high prices now that you mention it. I graduated from high school in 1991, and at the time some of us broke hs/college kids considered the Explorer to be the "next great new thing" -- the successor to the Bronco II with nice upgrades over the BII. Problem is, none of us could afford the new Explorer at the time.
