Advice on buying a "new to me" 2005 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Advice on buying a "new to me" 2005 explorer


May 27, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
St Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
I found a 2005 Explorer w/ sport trac.
It has 81.5k miles and they are asking $9950 for it & they are willing to sell it to me for $9000 even.

You can see more here:

It drives nice enough.
Hard to know for sure its an automatic & I have never driven an automatic.
My 95 was 5-speed manual.

It looks good.
Some minor rust issues.
I also noticed several places where the paint is flecked off.

I don't know enough to tell if it is mechanically in good shape or not.
The engine looks real clean on top.
When I look deeper into the engine, the carquest oil filter looks less clean

The other thing, I saw was a weird dent in the door where it latches.
I have no idea how the door latch could be dented there unless it closed off kilter.
And if it closed off kilter, why?

Should I be worried?

I have commit to getting it tonight.
The price is good compared to other 2005's & milage isn't bad.
A/C isn't as cold as it should be.
The power port doesn't work.
Lot of money w/o knowing what to expect.

And the SportTrac... What does that do for me?Does it give more value?

Any thoughts or ideas I'll appreciate.

Thanks & happy fathers day to all. :)

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I think you mean AdvanceTrac. I've never seen a dealer that wouldn't let you take it to your own personal mechanic to have it checked out before you buy it. I would do that. Buying any used car there's always a risk involved. Sounds like it's a halfway decent deal to me.

this is an independent dealer w/ a whole row of them along the roadside.

I have been looking at this precise one.
found another w/ similar miles for $11000 & note saying price drop.

maybe I can take it down the road a bit & get the garage, that I passed on my way, to give a quick assessment on the engine and tranny.

I still have a memory of the AAA mechanics, back when they did this, telling me that despite all the positives, the engine of the Mazda I was looking @ buying was close to throwing a rod.
I took their advice & passed on it.

thanks for ur input.

unless I find a huge reason, engine/tranny ready to die, I'm prolly gonna close on it tomorrow, credit willing. :)

1. Price is a little high on both.

2. If they won't let you take it to your own mechanic...say "#### you" and you want at least $1000 off since they are causing you to take a mechanical risk because they are being douchebags :)

Triton8273 said:
1. Price is a little high on both.

2. If they won't let you take it to your own mechanic...say "#### you" and you want at least $1000 off since they are causing you to take a mechanical risk because they are being douchebags :)

Yeah the price is high, don't pay more than $8500 out the door... Haggle

I bought my Ex 2 yrs ago with 67K on it for $12,000 in NY where everything is overpriced lol.

So take that into account. Dealers around here are selling what your looking at for the price your being given, So Brian's number is right, you shouldn't pay over $8500 by any means.

Brian, you're right. It is ADVANCETrac. :: sheepish ::

I couldnt remember and on the front page I saw SPORT and just figured that was it.

So the question should be what is AdvanceTrac? :)

As to the pricing... I know it is regional. And round here maybe higher. May be due to a couple of hail storms taking out bunches of cars.

I didn't think my 95 exp was worth $2400. But that is what they gave me for it.

And I did haggle. That is why it is $9k and not $9.95k :-D
I thought a 10% drop was pretty decent. Especially after I found it elsewhere for $11k and others for equally higher $'s

I am gonna call tomorrow and ask if I give him CASH if I can get it down another few hundred dollars.

I don't have a mechanic to take it to for this kind of check up. but I will ask to take it to the place down the street and see what they can tell me to worry about.

I wish I knew how to upload pics here. I really want some one to tell me about the dent in the door where it should latch. Makes no sense to me. :-?

there is no way I would pay that for a 3rd generation explorer they are junk, get an 2006-10. dont wast your time, just look at the forums, the 1st 20 threads are how to fix>>>>, go to 4th gen 2006-10 not much there. 2002 thru 2005 are junk oh ya and dont buy and sohc 4.0 they are even more junk.
