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Advice on selling price of Mint 1992 Sport


New Member
January 9, 2020
City, State
Motown, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer Sport
Hello all,

I have a mint 1992 Explorer Sport with 36k miles on it. I purchased it new at age 18 and my Dad worked for Ford. He had this vehicle followed down the line with all his buddies making sure everything was done perfect.

I only drove it one Michigan winter and it has only been hand washed (never through an automated wash). Since 1993 it has not seen salt or snow. Everything is stock other than a hood deflector and normal parts like tires and some hoses etal. I start it each week in the winter when I am not driving it and to be honest this thing has been like a baby to me and been kept under a cover in garage always when not in use.

I am on the fence to sell it as I am going through some life changes and may marry etal.

I am trying to discern what a fair price is for my baby. If I decide to sell I would like to see it go to a good home and to someone who would appreciate it for what it is. If I had to guess there are probably is not another one out there like it.

The only issue major issue I had was a persistent rear main leak which was repaired at a Ford dealer two years ago . There was also an oil pan gasket leak which was repaired at the same Ford dealer. It only gets driven on nice days and all the paint is original and polished and waxed at least 4 times per year by myself.

If anyone could shed some advice about they think a rare vehicle like this is worth I would appreciate it. I have not yet decided what to do but if I get married I am most likely going to sell it because I will not have room to keep this with two other vehicles. Obviously I know this vehicle is worth a lot more than your typical 92 Explorer Sport; its all about figuring out what a fair market price is.


Explorer Drivers side.jpg

Explorer front view.jpg

Explorer Inside.jpg

Explorer Sport passenger side.jpg

Explorer Wheel.jpg


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Welcome to the forum. Nice looking Sport. It looks like the same color as my wife's 99 Sport.

Post it on ebay, someone might come get it or get it shipped from across the country. I'd only put a "buy it now" since interest will be low but someone somewhere might understand its value and want it. My evaluation is $8k tops but I'd list it for $10k and sit on it for a bit.

That's a really clean Sport. Hard to find in good condition especially with your dad managing every detail of its build. I personally would not sell it, that's a great backup vehicle and you have a history with it. I'm betting within a few weeks of selling it you will be kicking yourself for doing so. Somebody will probably wind up using it as a beater during the winter months.

If you are set on selling, in that condition it's worth between $8k-$10k.

Don't sell it. I guarantee you will regret it and wish you never did. Plus, what you get for it likely won't be nearly enough for what it is. Also, it will very likely need a cash buyer. A bank probably won't lend money to buy it thus keeping the pool of people small who can pay a decent price for it. It should be in a car collection or in your garage.

I concur with everyone who has posted so far except I would price it lower, and I am very sorry to say say that, but here's why:

An appraiser's first source is to see what a similar item has sold for recently. I found a '92 Eddie Bauer in similar excellent condition with 51k miles, all the options, for $3,999 at a dealer in Wisconsin.


So, you have less mileage, but 36k vs 51k isn't that significant. The Eddie Bauer has every option I have ever seen in a stock 1st generation explorer,, it is in like-new showroom condition... and it's sitting on their lot at $4k. When I first read this thread, I would have guessed a higher market value. But, this is a tough spot. It's not exactly a collectable, it's too new compared to, say... a 1950's truck in near new condition. So, it's not really something someone would buy and keep in a collection.

Yeah, $4k, and depending on local economy, maybe less than that, depending on how patient you can be. If you have significant sentimental attachment, maybe you can find off-site storage and give it to your first son. It will only go up in value from here. You ought to see what old Broncos in this condition are getting.

Good Luck!

^^^^ that truck has rust, you can see half the rocker is gone. Rust takes significant value from a vehicle unless Tupac owned it at one time.

I think the 8k is about right on value but with the market where it's at it is a hard sale.

NO don't sell it
Hell I'd keep it in the family grandkid or something
But 7-8 k seems about right good luck tho

My guess is you're gonna get 5 k

Nice truck I kinda want it wish it was oxford white :)

I'll bet @Rick would like this truck


Let those dudes sell it for you

CLEAN Sport!!

^ that green one up there probably has 152k, or 252k, or 652k... who knows... it is my absolute pet peeve when asshat car dealers misrepresent vehicles that have 5 digit odometers. Can't trust a car dealer... it's like they say... car dealers lie.


Anyway, I don't have any idea what it's worth... the key is going to be finding a buyer who is really into old Explorers AND has disposable income to buy it. My guess is it would sell fairly fast at $4-5000... if you're willing to sit on it for quite a while and advertise it everywhere, I imagine you could do a lot better than that (and you should do that!)

I have fixed up and sold several in the last few years - "nice" ones seem to sell for about $2000, as in one that is in "good" condition at best and has no weird issues and minimal rust. I haven't run across a really, really nice one yet but I wouldn't let it go cheap.

Garaged and unused doesn't make a car rare by itself. In 20 years it will be a $30k or more car when most have been retired and scrapped.

Thanks everyone for your kind words and advice. I am very torn what to do. If I do sell it, I would just like it to go to someone who will appreciate it for what it is (versus going to someone to use as a winter beater as someone said). Thanks again everyone, it would was good to gain some insight to this.

^^^^ that truck has rust, you can see half the rocker is gone. Rust takes significant value from a vehicle unless Tupac owned it at one time.

I think the 8k is about right on value but with the market where it's at it is a hard sale.
Rust is the only out and out dealbreaker.
I’d find somewhere I could park it for a few months. If you find you don’t miss, it need it, sell it.

Trust me, car regret is tough. I sold my father/son ElCamino after my father died to pay for the final expenses. Got beat down to 4,500. Regretted it immediately. Find the car 2 years later, and the guy said he’d sell it to me.

For $20,000. And, no, it wasn’t restored. It had a brand new motor, and brand new transmission, and was 100% steel and no filler when I delivered it.

Trust me, car regret is tough. I sold my father/son ElCamino after my father died to pay for the final expenses. Got beat down to 4,500. Regretted it immediately. Find the car 2 years later, and the guy said he’d sell it to me.

For $20,000. And, no, it wasn’t restored. It had a brand new motor, and brand new transmission, and was 100% steel and no filler when I delivered it.
Now that sucks ...I have a saying learn from other people's mistakes .... I just got educated

Oh that's a beautiful sport looks like a clone of my 91 just has way better condition clear coat. If you must sell it I would go 4,000 but the thing is I'll think you'll regret it. If you do

Oh that's a beautiful sport looks like a clone of my 91 just has way better condition clear coat. If you must sell it I would go 4,000 but the thing is I'll think you'll regret it. If you do

Scottymac do you still have your sport​


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