Aggrevating 2013 Ford Explorer shutting down issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aggrevating 2013 Ford Explorer shutting down issue


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August 3, 2015
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2013 Ford Explorer
Ok well I have been a life long Ford owner. In 2013 we bought a brand new Ford Explorer. I of course just ran out of warranty with 40,000 miles. I have in issue that just happened while I am vacationing in Orlando. I was driving and all of a sudden the wrench Icon turned on in the car and the car completely stopped running. I was fortunate to not get rear ended and pulled off the road. I shut the car off and restsrted it. I began driving again only to have it happen again about 15 minutes later. So im not happy with this issue because not only is the car just over 2 years old but most importantly I am on vacation with my family and cant afford something happening if the car shuts off on the Turnpike. Any ideas what I can do? I appreciate any help!!!

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About the only thing you can do.....get it to the dealer. Unfortunately, the days of the shade-tree mechanic are all but gone. When it comes to the electrical items it's a crapshoot trying to figure out electrical gremlins. Wish I could give you better advice.
Good luck.

Get to the dealer, I had a similar issue and it was just the computer needed to be flashed. Put up with it for a while and only cost $80to fix.

Ok thanks. I will see if theres a dealer in Orlando I can take it too. Im supposed to drive back to Miami tomorrow morning but dont want to jump on the turnpike with the family and have it shut down on me again.

Ok maybe you guys can help me figure this out. I took it to the dealer here in Orlando and they give me a Diagnostics that its a Power train issue. However he says its not covered under warranty! I cant figure that out as my warranty says 5 years 60,000 miles for power train. Pretty unhappy as this car is 2 years old and they are saying the repair will be $1,000.00!

Wow, that's not cheap. What did they say is wrong?

If it is a power train issue, I would think it would be covered by your 5 year 60,000 mile power train warranty. To me it seems like the out of town dealer does not want to help you out. I read your 2013 warranty and it seems unless you did something to cause the problem, Ford should cover it. Maybe contact Ford customer service directly and explain the issue to them. Maybe they will pay to get it to your hometown dealer? Or Ford will get in touch with the out of town dealer to find out why they won't cover you under warranty? Sounds like you are not being treated right if you have properly maintained and cared for the vehicle. Good luck.

If it is a power train issue, I would think it would be covered by your 5 year 60,000 mile power train warranty. To me it seems like the out of town dealer does not want to help you out. I read your 2013 warranty and it seems unless you did something to cause the problem, Ford should cover it. Maybe contact Ford customer service directly and explain the issue to them. Maybe they will pay to get it to your hometown dealer? Or Ford will get in touch with the out of town dealer to find out why they won't cover you under warranty? Sounds like you are not being treated right if you have properly maintained and cared for the vehicle. Good luck.
Big assumptions.

To the OP - what specifically did the Dealer say is wrong with the vehicle, and why did the dealer say that issue is not covered by a warranty?

^^^ x2

Can't help you out without more info. What did they say is wrong? If you got the wrench, it should have set a code. What was the code? What needs to be replaced?

Powertrain is Motor/Tranny only. So without knowing more specifics, can't help out beyond what has been stated.

Big assumptions.

To the OP - what specifically did the Dealer say is wrong with the vehicle, and why did the dealer say that issue is not covered by a warranty?

First of all I agree with dco43054, you need to get that specific information, but I guess I saw that the OP was told by the dealer that "it is a power train issue" and I jumped to the conclusion per the warranty, power trains are covered for 5 years and 60,000 miles. It might be tough for that dealer to find out what is exactly causing the problem without some disassembly of the power train or other components. So once they get in there you may find out that not all of the repair may be covered under your warranty. Hope it all works out for the best.

Ok well I have been a life long Ford owner. In 2013 we bought a brand new Ford Explorer. I of course just ran out of warranty with 40,000 miles. I have in issue that just happened while I am vacationing in Orlando. I was driving and all of a sudden the wrench Icon turned on in the car and the car completely stopped running.

Hey there Reeltherapy07,

I'm Todd, and I'm helping Tricia out on the forum, as she is on vacation. This isn't what I want to see happen on family trip; I'm going to look into all options on my end. Please send over a PM with your full name, phone number, VIN, and the name of the servicing dealer.

We'll get you back on the road.

