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Air box Suggestions??


September 30, 2007
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92 Eddie Bauer
Hi there newbie to this site and i did a search and can find alot of awesome snorkel pics and writeups. But i just purchased my 92 eddie bauer and it has a great pvc snorkel already but a real crappy airbox. the one that is in there is basically a battery box with no lid and two holes for the air inlet with a cone filter and the other going to the snorkel. the fabricated lid out of a piece of what looks to be a storage container lid was cut down and attached to the battery box with 4 screws into 4L brackets. this apparatus is mounted right behind the passenger headlight assembly and when my sploders headlights go for a swim the air filter is soaked and muddy yet once again.

Thanks to any input one may have this is a 92 with a 5.0 swap out of a tbird as well so i dont have any of the stock components. i can post pics if anyone is interested..


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Pics always tell the best story................

i cant attach :'(

i am unable to attach pics not sure why yet?

i wonder if it cuz im either a newb or not a paid member

You need to upload the pics to photobucket, then post them on here.

and hurry. im interested to see this. i thought t birds were 5.2's for somereason.

and hurry. im interested to see this. i thought t birds were 5.2's for somereason.

What the hell is a 5.2?:confused:
Ford makes 4.6s, 5.0s, and 5.4s

YourNameHere, Your signature made me have a seizure. Do us all a favor and get rid of it.

All I can say is what kind of suggestion are you looking for? It seems like you already established you have an open airbox that needs to be closed off unless of course you want to make the snorkel completely worthless, which I assume you dont.

In fact, reading you first post again there isnt even a straight question in it, just a statement. But, let me give it a shot.

If your capable, fabricate a box out of plastic sheets from home depot, or maybe if you can TIG aluminum sheet that would be a better option. If not, try to get an airbox off another vehicle and modify it as needed. Of course the obvious way would be to take the one you have now and make it watertight.

Or, if you only have problems when water is above your headlights then I would say you have bigger problems to worry about or that you should avoid water that deep.


with all due respect the snorkel is there to stat just wondering if there is anyone else out there that has made an air box for there explorer and is willing to share a few photos.

oh and yes the headlights do get bathed in water and that is something that is not going to change any time soon....... :salute: :salute:

and do you think pictures of an explorer 4.0 airbox will help you with the 5.0 sitting under your hood? its not going to be the same, even remotley.

You snorkel enters at a pretty unique place, most ive seen enter alot closer to the pass compartment.

Im willing to bet you bought the truck with this work done.

This sounds like a good place for you to flex your creative muscle.

If you ahev no such muscle, I would take the air box out and send it to a sheetmetal shop and ask them to make you one with a flange on the top. Then get a piece of plexi and drill holes and use silicon gasket maker and bolt it to the top for a lid. that way you can see if mud has gotten inside it and needs to be resealed or cleaned.

ever just thought about enclosing the entire air setup? like the guy above me said, make it into somethign that you can seal off. i was thinkign maybe using pvc for the entire piece, putting a filter somewhere in transit?

i can't see how your setup is that clearly with the pics provided, but i'm sure you can figure it out. if anything you could always try and see how the guys with the Jeeps do it...

Jeeps are easy and plus the snorkel kit comes with everything they need. But yea that is a really crappy air box, I'd take some plastic sheets and epoxy them into a box and a screw on the top with a rubber seal in between. shouldnt be that hard.

you might want to try to use a small cooler and use a hole saw to drill the holes in it. that should be close to water tight. or just put the filter at the top of the snorkel. that is what i would do.

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