Air cleaner duct & valve vacuum motor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air cleaner duct & valve vacuum motor


Well-Known Member
December 18, 2007
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La Serena IV Región
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Explorer '94 XLT-2010XLT
Guys.....where are located the air cleaner duct and valve vacuum motor ?....what is the function of them ?

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the duct brings fresh air from behind the bumper into the bottom of the air cleaner housing. the valve in the duct is to bring heated air from the exhaust manifold (NOT exhaust gas just heated air) for faster warmups. it's an emissions device. you'd normally see them on carburated engines.

Is problem of the air cleaner duct ??

Thank Cjones !! the other the morning ( when the engine is cold ) my Exp no start easily in the first attempt ( the engine start, but is stopped ). In the second attempt, the engine start normally.
Do you believe some problem with sensor bi metal o air cleaner duct or vacuum motor ?....thank !:)

Do you believe some problem with sensor bi metal o air cleaner duct or vacuum motor ?....thank !:)

i would not expect those to cause the problem.

thanks cjones & DeRocha...what do you think may be causing the problem ?...always run my engine in the morning in the second attempt.

...Do you believe some problem with sensor bi metal o air cleaner duct or vacuum motor ?...)

i would not expect those to cause the problem.

As cjones has stated the bi-metal sensor and duct work do not affect starting and provides warm air to help fuel economy. My bi-metal sensor has been removed 5yrs+ ago when I installed a KKM cone air filter. I have ZERO issues starting my engine and temps have been <20F (-6.6C). The only way I can see a problem would be if the rubber hoses connecting the bi-metal to the intake manifold and lower duct work were old/cracked and leaking air. Whenever you have a vacuum leak the engine is getting out of balance as the leaking air is not passing through the MAF to be measured by the computer. I would check for all loose/old vacuum hoses to ensure they are not leaking.

first, try turning the key ON for 2 seconds then OFF for 10 seconds, repeat 2 more times. does engine start up and stay running?? this builds up fuel pressure if there is a pressure leak.

check fuel pressure and pressure leak (how much of a pressure drop after 1 minute)

if not, and if you have access to a scanner...check the IAT (Intake Air Temp) sensor and the ECT (Engine Coolant Temp) sensor with a scan tool to see if they are reading the correct temps.

also, the IAC (Idle Air Control) valve may be dirty.

Thanks Cjones & DeRocha for you information !!....I will do the test, just as Cjones says. I did not know the KKM cone air filter, is new for me that system.
I have attached 3 photos respect of a doubt that I have at the position of connection of the hose on the air system with bi metal sensor. What is the correct position ? 1 or photo 2 ???....:(


  • Position of hoses.jpg
    Position of hoses.jpg
    52.8 KB · Views: 1,409

i don't believe it matters. but photo 2 is what my schematic shows.

Photo 1 or 2 will work.. Its just a thermatic valve. IIRC closed when cold, open when hot (might have it backwards again).. Either way, there is no one way valve in it.. it just stops the vacuum.


I agree with DeRocha, check all your vac lines, fittings, plugs, etc, including the vacuum tree.


first, try turning the key ON for 2 seconds then OFF for 10 seconds, repeat 2 more times. does engine start up and stay running?? this builds up fuel pressure if there is a pressure leak.

check fuel pressure and pressure leak (how much of a pressure drop after 1 minute)

if not, and if you have access to a scanner...check the IAT (Intake Air Temp) sensor and the ECT (Engine Coolant Temp) sensor with a scan tool to see if they are reading the correct temps.

also, the IAC (Idle Air Control) valve may be dirty.

Thanks Cjones...I did this test and it worked well for me..!!...In the morning, until now, the motor runs perfectly when I start in the first attempt. What does that should to ?...........

Thanks Cjones...I did this test and it worked well for me..!!...In the morning, until now, the motor runs perfectly when I start in the first attempt. What does that should to ?...........

if you are doing the key ON, OFF thing then that would indicate a problem with fuel pressure, either the pump is weak and can't boost the pressure enough or there is pressure leaking that shouldn't be.

check fuel pressure and pressure leak down(how much of a pressure drop after 1 minute)

also, check to see how fast the pressure increases from 0 when you turn the key on the first time.

ohh..very interesting your comments I can check the fuel pressure ? Some especial method ?....

ohh..very interesting your comments I can check the fuel pressure ? Some especial method ?....

you'll need a fuel pressure gauge, some parts store may loan/rent them out.
