Albino's about to get busier with Abby's half sister Gail | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Albino's about to get busier with Abby's half sister Gail

I assumed it was a 9"

I'll have to ask.

If you think it'll live,,,,,,,,,,,, Splodo49 was going to look at one in Oakharbor this weekend, but $50 is right in my price range :D (free would be even better ;) ) Cost that much to come and get it, unless you bring it up for a FWORC meeting and I meet you in Milton.

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I talked to him at Tahuya and he said it was the stock ranger 8.8 welded up, From what I have heard all rangers had the 28 spline version and he is running 36's

Yup, you're right. I asked him when I went to Shucks this evening.

The back seats didn't make it through the weekend :D :D :D :D :D


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So are you going to have something ready for the elbe run in December?

jrgaylor said:
So are you going to have something ready for the elbe run in December?
:( nope. I don't work THAT fast. I don't think I'll even try to bolt up those 33's with the 3.45'sthat are in it now. :rolleyes: I need to leave a lot of stuff on the X until after Moab.

Did you find me an 8.8?

I still have to go get the front end from Ryan in between Cub Scout meetings.


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:thumbsup: :D SCORE! :D :thumbsup:

Rick, why are those radius arms GREEN?????????????????? :eek:


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that is one clean BII

Nice score! Superrunner and lift kit!

Hey if you ever get tired of the interior you can locate a 89-90 BII eddie bauer, ooh la la far superior door panels.
I personally like this dash, but others like the 89+ dash, it bolts in, some small changes to the EVAC possibly.

Shackles in the back of a BII are a little trucky, look to modify the rear hanger on the frame. Giant makes a Ranger shackle and hanger that I bet would work.

You can replace the sagging sun visors with later model one, I grabbed 97 Explorer eddie bauers with the lighted mirrors for mine :)

2 door explorer seats also are an awesome upgrade, leather if you like, almost a total bolt in.
If your center console has the BII diagnostics center, its cool, if not you can add it!


Just getting the wheels spinning, and yes all these junk yard things are considered "cheap" IMO :)

I spent 2 days in there with a Hoover steam vac, there was a lot of cigarette ashes ground into the carpet. :( The outside isn't nearly as nice, but the drive train is virgin/unmolested. It has 94,340 miles on it.

Yes it does have the diagnostics. I haven't looked in the owners manual to see how to use it though.

I haven't figured out the new steering linkeage yet, it must be some type of cross-over system cause it has a bracket that bolts to the frame.

For the rear, I was going to put my old X springs back there and SOA an 8.8 with Warrior shackles or even 'Hairbrain Engineering Folding Shackles'. Is that going to be a problem?

I have to pull the spindles off to get the stub shafts out, right? Is there an axel seal back ther too? Guess I should look at the book but it's so much easier to ask stupid questions

Is that a 2.8 or a 2.9 in the BII?
My folks had an 85 ranger that had the identical interior but no center console -bench seat.
I really loved that truck. It was carb'd and much faster than my explorer which makes me sad. Course it was 2WD. Im really thinking 4.56 gears now.
Did you know you could get the BII with a 4 cyl diesel for a few years? I think that would be neat cept Ive heard it isnt the best engine.

i painted those suckers green.....:)
hubs and spindles have to come off to get the stub shafts out, if i remember correctly, you have to remove the abs sensor to get the spindles off as well.

I will show you how to hook up the steering on Sunday. I talked to the guy who has the 8.8 and offered him $50 for it, so he is thinking it over

Ryan, what were you drinking? Lay off the Tequila and lime buddy. :eek:

Mysticclam, 2.9 EFI 5sp :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Before I got the X, I had a '92 standard cab, long bed, Ranger XLT with the 3.0 I miss that truck. I can't even find pictures of it :(

Joe, is the 8.8 in good shape? It would be worth a little more to have it Sunday and save a second trip. Unless you're going to rebuild it for me :D

you got that 8.8 yet???

arsoul said:
you got that 8.8 yet???
Yes I do, but it has 3.55's in it. I think it's a LS.

I have a set of 3.73's in a box :rolleyes:

Hmmmm wanna D30 geared at 3.55 :p I am tired of hitting my head on it, and think the Mustang project effectively brought my truck build to a halt. One day I will SAS it, but first I need to build a pair of 5.0 long blocks for both girls ('stang and ex)

dreamr said:
Hmmmm wanna D30 geared at 3.55 :p I am tired of hitting my head on it, and think the Mustang project effectively brought my truck build to a halt. One day I will SAS it, but first I need to build a pair of 5.0 long blocks for both girls ('stang and ex)
I've been thinking about that axel. :rolleyes:

I could put the Lockright in the X, sell the 6" lifted D35 and SAS the Bronco II :cool:

We need to talk,,,,,,,,,over a case of Alaskan Amber ;) ;)

New mod's are on the way!

Here's a teaser;

300ft of torque, 90% of which is available at 2000rpms


nice try but I'm sticking with gas.

Also on the list; those leather seats got real sticky this summer (if you can call it a summer) so I'm adding AC cooling to my heated seats.;)

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any progress?
