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All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005

Well today went well, waxed BigRed and GOT NEW RIMS!.... :D

I think some of u may reconize these rims that i bought for the truck, they came off of a great Green Explorer that everyone loved but we had to wish it fair well when the 4r55 said "F u" to IAmTodd. So he got the new Saleen rims and i picked up the Emos...I think i'm ready for carlisle... :D

Check them out, what do u guyz think, u'll be able to get a closer look and drool on them at carlisle, can't friggin wait... :thumbsup:




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Oh, rain or shine I am briging my friggin huge canopy for us to hang out under ( shade, dry, what have you )
as long as some one helps set up and tear down.

Lookin' good, Adam ;) :thumbsup:

I'll help set up the canopy, Kev!

I forgot to ask one thing: Am I making PBJ's (again)for those of us going wheelin? :D

Looks awsome Adam ;) Hope they treat you well :thumbsup:

haha sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread, thanks everyone.... hope to see everyone at carlisle, its gona be fun.

I'll be a Friday / Saturday attender. I will not be wheelin' this time :(

But I will take a PB&J for the road !!!!!!!!

how far is paragon from carlisle?

Your looking at an hour & half.. Approximately 80-90 miles away.

Blee1099 said:
Your looking at an hour & half.. Approximately 80-90 miles away.

It goes by fast though... all those Explorers (and misc other vehicles this year) doing a conga line up 81 is pretty freakin' cool :cool:

Yo Farmboy, you gonna bring yourself down this year?? You and Meatball can have a Dodge meeting outside the gate :D Come on Cj, even Parli's coming down for this!! I'll let you ride shotgun in Tank.....!

Spas said:
It goes by fast though... all those Explorers (and misc other vehicles this year) doing a conga line up 81 is pretty freakin' cool :cool:

Yo Farmboy, you gonna bring yourself down this year?? You and Meatball can have a Dodge meeting outside the gate :D Come on Cj, even Parli's coming down for this!! I'll let you ride shotgun in Tank.....!

I'll decide when it gets closer. Depends on how many vacation days I use between now and then.

okay i'll be there saturday morning , and i'll be at the camp grounds friday night ,, how many of us are going to be roughing it?

im gonna come up for the show saturday morning, and ill be ready for some wheeling sunday

It's not the same without you being around to pick on, dummy :p :D

It's gonna be fun, guys and gals. Probably more laid back than in recent years, but still fun none the less. Do I have to make shirts again? ;) LOL

I just noticed the blurb under your screen name.

Quite funny !!!!!!!

MONMIX said:
I just noticed the blurb under your screen name.

Quite funny !!!!!!!

Well, it's true... I've lost count of how many times I've (and others!) had to pull Ben either through, around or back over an obstacle :D Draper's got the right idea, the boy needs a longer throttle cable and spikes on the skinny pedal to keep him from using it so much ;)

Nah.. Being heavy on the skinny pedal is fun especially on the highway.. 3 Hour trip bah.. make that 2.5 hours.

very nice, i can't wait...its gona be so much fun.....!!!!!

very nice,, might have to re-think about the parking job at the show!,lol

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Might come up for the wheeling part. Depending on whats going on when.

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