ALPINE INE-W940 parking brake, foot brake wiring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ALPINE INE-W940 parking brake, foot brake wiring


September 5, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Toronto, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer XLT
Hi gents
This is my firts incursion in this forum and want to post this issue i'm getting with my explorer when I installed an Alpine double DIN in GPS receiver INE-W940.
So far everything is working fine except for the DVD player which only play audio but no video. The audio setting menu is not available either even when playing cd's or using usb's memory.
I connected the two wires this unit require to be hook up to the truck like the one to the parking brake light lead ( I took the ground side at the parking brake switch and the other wire to the foot brake light lead firts time and didn't work, and the second time I tooked the hot lead of the parking brake switch keeping the other one hooked up to the foot brake line and still not working.
Please anybody has suggestions about what's going on with this issue?
By the way, i'm doing the sequence procedure to active this feature according to Alpine which is the one setting ON and OFF the parking brake along with the foot brake deppresed.
The foot brake light lead I tooked the one that runs by the doorsil which get hot every time I depress the foot brake.
Thx for the help in advance

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Thx for offer me help and in fact i know about the bypass, but honestly I prefer not to do it. The reason because sometime I share my truck with my wife and I don't want her get distracted from the road when driving and playing dvd's.
Is just I'm doing the connections by the manual and taking references from different opinions on the web but doesn't work.
Maybe for the Explorer doesn't work connecting the wires where the Alpine instruction manual says and should be in another spot?

Hmm, you've tapped into the wrong wire or wrong polarity.
Can you show me what your manual says?

And you didn't answer what area of TO you're from. :(


Well problem solved. I quited trying to do it in the right way since I couldn't figure it out with the proper connections following the manual. I bought the PAC TR7, installed and everything working mint. My wife now know no way driving playing DVD'S.
