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Alternator 95amp to 130amp


Active Member
October 2, 2002
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City, State
Simsbury, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT
My stock (1994 xlt) 95 amp alternator is dying quickly and I need to replace it. I found that Autozone has a few for around $100. The 130amp model used on limited edition is the same price. Should I go for the 130 amp? Is there a difference in size physically and/or bolt pattern, or just more windings? Would I need to get anything else (fuse, regulator or anything) to make it work, or is it an exact replacement?

Has anyone else had experience with these alternators (Valuecraft, or Duralast), or should I spend the $195 for the Bosch?

Have I asked enough questions?

Thank you to all who answer!


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you can upgrade. I did. Check your pulley sizes though, They pulled out two 130a alts for me, they both had different size pulleys. I would go with one with a decient warrenty. I think mine was a Duralast.

I just did this same swap on my 94. No problems it was an exact fit. I even got it from autozone. I am much happier with the new one, I can run all my accessories without any dimming of my lights. The swap took about 15 min.

I am convinced. I thought that maybe the Bosch would be the choice for ensuring adequate power, but now I think that I will save the $100 and just get the Duralast (lifetime warranty) 130amp! NICE!

I wonder why Ford did not just put the 130's in all the explorers?

Originally posted by InspectoRob
I wonder why Ford did not just put the 130's in all the explorers?

Every penny counts to any manyfacturer's bottom line.

Autozone has 2 duralast alternators.. (same amperage)..

1 is $20 more than the other and is "all new"

both have the lifetime waranty.

I replaced 2 of the "rebuild" durlast alternators (@ about 30k miles each).. I paid the $20 difference for the all new one and I can tell already that it is better (my voltage doesn't jump like both of the rebuilds did).


I am on my third lfetime warranty duralast from Autozone......


OK, that gives me a little more to consider.
Maybe I will Check around some more, but the NEW Duralast 130amp seems to be the choice for now.
I will write again once I get one and use it for a while!

Autozone Duralast Alternators

I want to get a 94 Limited 130 amp alternator too. The 95 amp one dims too much and draws down when I use both power windows. Are you guys saying the AutoZone Duralast Alternators are no good?

My "First" Rebuild Duralast was good.. I got 70k miles out of it (ok.. thats not good, but it was ok)...

The last 2 I got only lasted 30k miles...

The first 2 replacments were from bearing failures which is partly my fault. I use a smaller pulley which spins the alternator faster and since I drive at 3k rpms all the time, I think I helped it die faster.

My last alternator had a regulator problem. When I put a heavy load on the alternator it would "up" the voltage..

So when I replaced my last one I got a "Duralast Gold" which is a "new" alternator, instead of a rebuilt.. and it only cost $20 more (still from AutoZone).

My newest (Duralast Gold) is quieter, and the voltage is rock solid unless I put a heavy load on it.. (like roll up the window and keey the buttom pressed when it is already up).


I just checked with some local auto parts places and when I said that I wanted to change to the 130 they both (not knowing I spoke to anyone else) said that the brackets are different. They both offered to show them side by side to me, so I am going to go do that today. I hope I do not have to start looking for a used "limited" bracket?
These locals only have rebuilts and they are $147 and up.

NAPA quoted me a price of $198 for a NEW Bosch (both the 95 and 130amp). I am finding out that it must be a special discounted price they are offering since I cant find anyone (except autozone) to sell any brand of NEW alt. for that. The NAPA web site has them for over $300!

If mine (90 amp 93 OHV 4.0l) drops below 14.4 volts at idle or starts making noises (bearing failure) I take it to Autozone, give em my phone number, and blamo, I have a new alternator, no questions asked, no problemo....

So the Duralast may be a POS but with thelifetime warranty you cant go wrong......

I have not had one fail on me yet, just get weak or noisy......

I think that Autoparts store is mistaken. The brackets are not different on my 1997, it's a direct bolt up. Many other folks here have upgraded to the 130 amp on first Gen X's without installing a new bracket.

Quite a few folks here have purchased the 200 amp unit from Mr. Alternator and have been happy with them.

then i think i shall buy one from mr. alternator myself!

I went to Autozone and proved you guys RIGHT and the autoparts places that said there is a bracket difference between 95 & 130 wrong. I bought the 130amp rebuilt duralast for $119 and it installed like a breeze! Works GREAT. I thought that there was a problem with my window motors until this wknd!

I spent the extra on a Goodyear gatorback belt and I am still cheaper than most other stores. Since alt changout is so fast and easy, I don't mind if it needs replacement every year (as long as I catch it before it kills the battery).

I am happy, thanks.


I put a rebuilt Palladium Platium 130 amp alt. from Advance Auto Parts when the bearings in my Stock ford alt went out. I tried to replace them but the inside of the alt was shot so I just got a new one.

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How long ago was that? Has it done well for you. I just got the duralast rblt 130, so I will repost after a while, good or bad.

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