An Idea...Aerostar Springs! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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An Idea...Aerostar Springs!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
I was just thinking? Areostars have a 8.8 with coils in the rear. Couldn't you apply some of that to an EX? I mean longer springs but I don't know I was just thinking.:rolleyes:

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Stop thinking immediately. AEROSTAR? C'mon now. :rolleyes:

I fixed the title so people know what you are talking about LOL:D

I fixed the title so people know what you are talking about LOL

What changes?:D

I'm not sure I know what I'm talkin about:confused:

Re: An Idea...Areostar Springs!

Originally posted by Stic-o
I was just thinking? Areostars have a 8.8 with coils in the rear. Couldn't you apply some of that to an EX? I mean longer springs but I don't know I was just thinking.:rolleyes:

I was thinking the same thing about a year ago when I was looking for a new 8.8 but after some measuring and stuff it would take a lot of extra work to get the axle to flex right in the rear of an explorer. The lower control arms are way too low and cause major ground clearance loss. It would be easier and more cost effective to build all new control arms and fab spring mounts. I would think it would be kinda cool to do but it makes more sence in a lowered X.
