And you thought there was no use for washer LED's.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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And you thought there was no use for washer LED's....

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cool..... cant 12 volt leds be bought at radio shack?

Originally posted by jimabena74
cool..... cant 12 volt leds be bought at radio shack?

They can...and i have bought some from Radio Shack..a few of them.

However, they are not nearly as bright as these LED's. Thats why i am so happy. The radio shack ones barley lit up the fiberoptics...thats why its been sitting around since summer. Then all of a sudden Auto Zone started sellin these Washer LEDs and they were perfect :D

Thanks Tar!


sweet, i like that a lot!:D

if you buy 3 volt leds and run 12 through them they will light up a whole room....

Yes but you will get a ****load of heat and they might not last as long as they would if you had put 3v in them

Very cool!

That's a cool idea Carleton. Looks really sharp! Now you just gotta get some more of that fiber optic and do the rear doors. :) Nice job!


Sweet job...

Keep the ideas coming !

Nice job! I like it. Can you tell me what kind of optics that is and where could I get some?

Looks really good man!
I'd like to know where to get some of those optics too!

Ummm... When you say washer LED's, do you mean those windshield washer lights that look really bad on all the ricers?

Originally posted by 98FordX24
Ummm... When you say washer LED's, do you mean those windshield washer lights that look really bad on all the ricers?

YEP! :D See, like i said on the site...i just used my dremel to cut the LED out of the washer casing...i didnt' even use the washer except for the LED and the plastic end part to make my custom housed LED and Fiberoptic holder.

And i talked to my friends was a client he was with last year...and im not sure if he can get any more fiberoptics :( i'll keep ya'll updated though!

Thanks again for all the compliments....they mean alot


is there a name for that type of fiberoptic? where would you get something like that?
