Another dishonest Craigslist listing. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another dishonest Craigslist listing.


Elite Explorer
February 22, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Las vegas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 aerostar awd
Monday I go look at tires and rims from a Craig list ad. The wheels we're stolen and had bloney skins on them. The photos didn't even match the ad I told the guy I was reporting him the ads gone. First clue when looking at rims when 1 lug nut hole is chewed up on each rim from were they took the wheel locks off there stolen. When the guy won't give you a receipt and say there a friends wheels there stolen. And when a guy pulls the ad there stolen.

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It's an oddity (to me at least) when a Craigs list ad IS honest. I'd be wary of >anyone< selling rims on craigs list. I'd also be wary of letting the guy know you are going to report him. If he sells stolen goods he also might follow you home. Just pass on the rims, leave, then report him.

I just can't help it been a cop for 26 years and when I see a dirt bag take something that means a lot to someone pisses me off. Police don't care small crime and the fact you can see the proof but the law requires 100+10%.

It's an oddity (to me at least) when a Craigs list ad IS honest. I'd be wary of >anyone< selling rims on craigs list. I'd also be wary of letting the guy know you are going to report him. If he sells stolen goods he also might follow you home. Just pass on the rims, leave, then report him.

i buy and sell a lot on craigslist and have mostly positive experiences.however i always carry my gun with me.

I have been almost scammed 10 times trying to buy a truck the last 2 months before I found my Aerostar. I went to look at 10 trucks that were photo shopped and did not look like the ad.

Bought my 94 Aerostar from a dealer ad on Craigslist, and bought my 03 Lincoln LS with only 65K miles off private seller on CL. But I AM wary when I arrive at the selling scenes.
don-ohio :)^)

If you don't legally conceal carry you shouldn't do business on Craig's List. It's just that simple.

There's another side to the Craigslist coin. I have a few ads up now for things like vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, etc. I get a lot of people asking numerous questions but nobody is serious about buying anything. I finally had one person that seemed like a decent buyer, and asked for my address. They didn't show up at the time we agreed, so I sent an email. 45 minutes later they said that they were running late so I should see them soon. They never showed up or sent an email explaining why they never showed up. I killed part of my day pulling things out of storage, waiting around, emailing, then putting everything back into storage.

Yep, if I ever sell anything online and it is an item of any value I prefer to meet the person in a well travelled location. My local supermarket parking lot for instance. Also never at night. AND, here in Texas as of Jan 1 in addition to conceal/carry we now can open carry (although interpretation of the law can be somewhat fuzzy on that.) I don't open carry but I do exercise my 2nd Amendment rights. :salute: I know that some buyers and sellers are above board on Craig's List, but I prefer to be cautious and prepared. Better safe that sorry.

Edit: And support your local Law Enforcement!
