Another egr disaster! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another egr disaster!


Active Member
December 14, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Eddie Bauer AWD
Recently I asked on about my egr valve possibly being bad and I was told most likely it was my solenoid so I went and bought one and when I went disconnect the hose connection the white f ing hose snapped off. I was so mad a lot of people heard me cursing lol. Can I just join the hose with a small piece of hose? My truck is a 00 ex Eddie b edition.

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If you are referring to the hard plastic vacuum line the answer is yes.Just get some small diameter rubber hose(squirter hose maybe)to repair the break.


Recently I asked on about my egr valve possibly being bad and I was told most likely it was my solenoid so I went and bought one and when I went disconnect the hose connection the white f ing hose snapped off. I was so mad a lot of people heard me cursing lol. Can I just join the hose with a small piece of hose? My truck is a 00 ex Eddie b edition.

As I recall it was suggested that you probably have a bad DPFE (differential pressure feedback EGR) sensor not a bad EVR (EGR vacuum regulator) or solenoid. Did you ever replace the DPFE?

As I recall it was suggested that you probably have a bad DPFE (differential pressure feedback EGR) sensor not a bad EVR (EGR vacuum regulator) or solenoid. Did you ever replace the DPFE?

Yeah I changed it yesterday but I snapped the white plastic tube

As I recall it was suggested that you probably have a bad DPFE (differential pressure feedback EGR) sensor not a bad EVR (EGR vacuum regulator) or solenoid. Did you ever replace the DPFE?

And thanks for your advice. My dumb a$$ would have replaced the egr valve lol. Thanks really
