Any more new englanders here? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any more new englanders here?


Explorer Addict
December 14, 2002
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'06 Mazdaspeed6 GT
Anybody from New England/ Upstate NY? Myself, I'm from the great woodchuck state of Vermont. Looking for trail buddies, and, just, trails! Preferrably ones not closed right now in winter...I want to stretch my 'ploder's legs a bit.

Holla if ya here me :p


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Im from Rhode Island. My explorer is bone stock and i am too petrified to break ****. I may be getting an ATV soon so i can follow along with you on my ATV if i get what i am expecting for my tax returns. there anywhere in RI to go off-roading? the state seems so's like 3 cities in Massachusett's back lawn. ;) Wherebouts there are ya?

Im a Masshole. I live just south of nashua new hampshire. my ex is mostly stock, but i dont mind beatin the hell out of it on the trails. mine isnt a 99 though, so i can see where youre comming from explorer 5.0. Ive got a camp in Washington NH, which is reight near Hillsboro NH, not too far from vermont.

hey fred:

Just curious: What kind of rancho's do you have and how much were they (installation not included)?

I'm in eastern Mass - I just bought the truck today. I've never been offroading, but I'm itching to get the Mountaineer muddy!!

Where are some good trails for a beginner with a stock truck within 2 hours of Boston?


You live in Newton, huh? I lived in Stoughton for 4 years and make several trips to You-Do-It electronics. I've yet to find any trails around eastern mass, and I'm still looking for places up here in VT (maybe 2 to 2.5 hours from 128) to get dirty. Tomorrow I'm going to try for that ControlTrak disabling switch. Look for me on AIM. I'm izackary there, too.


Off topic: You-Do-It is a neat place... though I don't go there as much as I used to since thier prices have gone sky high!

I'll be going on the beaches of cape cod for now, and possibly up in New Hampshire, and I'm up there with the Tufts University Mountain club alot.

What kinds of trails are in the White Mountains arena in New Hampshire?


izachary- i dont know how much they cost, cause they came with the truck. but they are rancho 5000's

Hey guys!

Whats up? Im from Madison, Connecticut and i have a 97 XLT mostly stock but i have Bilstein shocks and a KKM intake they work great. Is anyone gonna be planning a get together in the North East any time soon? Keep me posted

i'm at UVM in vermont and in the summer I live in CT at home but that may change as I am off to law school next school year.

I am from Rhode Island, got a stock 92 eddie buaer

hey guys, ellington connecticut here, anyone from this area?

bangor area maine, here. lots of skiddah trails ayuh :confused:

Yea... i hear that the Maine logging roads are great... anyone know anything about this, and the legality of it?

Originally posted by V8BoatBuilder
Yea... i hear that the Maine logging roads are great... anyone know anything about this, and the legality of it?

i'm not sure about the legality of it. if they want people to be kept out they will usually put logs/rocks across the road or build a gate. if it's illegal, they don't enforce it much because of us hunters that take to the roads in the fall...but the only time that you might get in trouble is if the road is being actively logged, for example if you meet a logging truck on a narrow road, you better get out of the way. trust me, this is a scary experience on some roads around here. they actually have a disclaimer-type rule that anybody that works for the paper company has a right of way...and they DO NOT slow down for anything. literally, if you are in the road they will do nothing to try and avoid you, anything that happens is your fault, so they don't care if they hit you.

logging roads are definitly a good way to find mud and trails, but seeing most of the side trails are made by skidders, very little vehicles will even dare venture onto them, except for a few big ol' heavy chevy's. ;)

How do we know the toothbrush was invented in Maine?

I'd love to get over to Maine sometimes. Unfortunately I never have any reason to be there. It takes almost twice as long to get into Maine as it takes to get to Boston. I'd love to explore it some day...I just have no clue when I'll be able to!

New Hampshire here !

I live in Manchester myself and just boughta '96 Ex Sport that is mostly stock. I am slowly accumulating the goodies for it though.:chug:

im in warwick RI, and ive got a 99 sport im slowly trying to fix up

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you plan to actually off-road with it? ;) most rhode islanders i come across would just as soon run other drivers "off-road." but so do lots of mass drivers like me. :p but hey what can i say? most drivers belong there instead of behind the wheel anyways. :confused:
