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Anyone can steal your X

when my 94 had a broken off key in the tumbler, it would start just by rotating the tumbler... my antitheft device? pop the hood and take the fuel pump relay with me... the car isnt starting without it... and only the most professional thieves will think ot look into a fuse box and try to rewire the system to get it to work.....

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Originally posted by aldive
Sure.... leave a Pit Bull with AIDS in the truck.
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Its not an urban legend at all... i work at a dealership.. if a customer loses the keys to a vehicle all we need to cut a new key is the vin.. yeah its that simple...

Just a note.

In some municipalities (NYC for example) it is illegal to cover the VIN on the dash and you can receive a ticket for this.

Actally true, saw a documentary on it the other night, where undercover reporters went to dealers and got keys for vehicles with VIN #. No ID, no proof of ownership. Some dealers followed the rules, but some gave keys. What I was not sure of is whether these keys made included ones that have the security chip in them.

lol @ jim. really simple, but no way around it!

Originally posted by Fish Man
but no way around it!

Always a way around everything.

Easiest way to steal a vehicle woiuld be to just back up to it with a tow rig and yank it- repo guys do it all the time. Alarms, cutoffs, fuel bypass switches- dont matter.

Hook and Book


MY EYES MY EYES OH MY GOD MY EYES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kinda makes you wanna gouge them out with a fork
hunh ?

yes it is true that you can get a key code from a vin # but using fordstar which we at ford use, it only goes back to 1996. I'm a ford parts manager. ford has been cracking down on dealers about this topic. even going as far as sending people out to test us. If we give out a key or key code without a valid drivers license and a matching registration they fine us very heavily . Dont get me wrong anything is possibly, but unlikely unless you have a friend at a dealer

like i said i warned you...but i think she would keep everyone away from your vehicle

i might have to try this next week...besides, my key is getting worn down real bad. oh, and ive been wanting to try something new. you know how ford changed the whole ignition switch and key durring like 96? i wish i had a picture. um, like 98-01, i know for sure, i would like to try and get that ignition switch and put into mine, with the same key that works with it....the big square one right? anyway, could this be done easliy? anyway, thanks

Not an Urban Legend

It happens. I've had to do it. I called the parts department and gave them my name, not even my VIN... of course they had the VIN because they sold me the car and also did most of the service. It takes me about 5 minutes to get to the dealer and they had a new key cut for me by the time I got there.

my mom's ignition broke. (the place where you put the key in) and when she took it to the dealer, they said they had to put a new one in.. but with a different key then what she used to open her doors with. Is that normal? or what?

it is a toyota 4runner.

so now she has 2 different keys.

Get a locksmith to rekey the door to the ignition key...

Originally posted by hydroxy
my mom's ignition broke. (the place where you put the key in) and when she took it to the dealer, they said they had to put a new one in.. but with a different key then what she used to open her doors with. Is that normal? or what?

it is a toyota 4runner.

so now she has 2 different keys.
Yes, it is common when replacing the ignition switch.

I rigged my truck in a way where if I lost my keys with the remote for the alarm and all, whoever finds it wouldn't be able to drive away with it. Even if he did managed to, I got Lo-Jack to track it down. I am so confident of this set up I even leave a spare key inside the truck. :)

hay guys i got the best alarm in the world
1.yes a alarm
2.a shepherd
3.a lab
4.a chihuahua
now try to get my truck .lol

Hey Bronx man. You don't have to worry about theft in your area. The thieves come FROM the Bronx.

It's a joke... I'm joking, I'm joking... ;) :D

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Spoken by a "gylander" :rolleyes: ;)
