Anyone in Sacramento have a tube bender | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone in Sacramento have a tube bender


Active Member
August 30, 2001
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City, State
Sacramento, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I need to get four pieces of one inch round tubing bent with a 3" or 3 1/2" radius. I talked to a couple shops and they're all to busy for little project like this.

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I have that size dies for my bender.. but I'm not in Sac, I'm in SF (about 1 hr away).

If you can't find anything, I can do it.

Thanks. I sent silly fab a fax and haven't heard back. Tdavis, are you in Pinole or SF?

I'm in Pinole, I80 & Appian Way is the exit.

Do you have any free time this weekend?

PM'd you with some information.

I just double checked the tubing because somethingabout the way it looks was bugging me. Turns out the steel suply gave me 1 1/4". I was in too much of a hurry yesterday to double check them at the yard. Unless you have a 1.25 inch die I'm going to have to take this back next week.

Nope, I have 1.0/3" CLR, 1.5/4.5" CLR, and 1.75/6" CLR tube, 240 degree dies.

CLR = center line radius means if I do a 180 degree bend, it's from the center of the tube to the center of the bend. ie, 6" on the 1", 9" on the 1.5, and 12" on the 1.75

240 degree means I can do a complete 180 degree bend in one bend with out re-setting the tube.

And yes, it is also hydraulic.

I'm going to return the tubing next week when I have time. So maybe Saturday the 16th or the following weekend we can get together and bend this stuff.
