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anyone know if these are any good


Well-Known Member
January 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
abbotsford bc
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 5.0 limited



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nah they dont look that good

i want to try some 99xx's one day

9917 FTW

i was pretty skeptical in previous years about how much better a 99 can be than other spl subs. But after buying the middle ugly sub in those pics used and running full power burps through it with 2500 watts at 15 hz below tuning frequency and it laughing at me. I decided these things are for real and had to pick up a couple more.

The best I got that single 9912 up to was 146.9 i think. with only one orion 2500d @ 1 ohm, in a daily box in a 90 civic hatch. That number was at 42 hz

i see the 99 series has different motors too

car to explain what the difference is between the 95's and 99's, ive never bothered looking

are they the same motors or what?

i see the 99 series has different motors too

car to explain what the difference is between the 95's and 99's, ive never bothered looking

are they the same motors or what?

actually all 5 of those subs are 99s just the outside 4 are D motors (older) while the center sub is an E motor.

D is triple stacked while the E is as you can see double with a bit better coil cooling.

Theres a big debate between whether theres a difference between the 9500 and 9900 motors. Personally I dont think there is any difference. Its just the cone. Although the coil and surround might be slightly different aswell.

Those are crap, send them to me for proper disposal :)

finally got some time to work on my own box and not other peoples


Those look pretty sweet. I like em. How much did they run ya for each?

Those look pretty sweet. I like em. How much did they run ya for each?

i paid $3400 usd shipped for all four freshly reconed. These are D motors which are 4 or 5 years old or so. The newest motors are F. E and F have better voice coil cooling than the D's but for the price I couldnt pass them up. I dont need that good of cooling anyway, I only plan to burp them.

Wow. I would like to see some numbers soon and a video or something.

Wow. I would like to see some numbers soon and a video or something.

so would i lol ive had my explorer off the road for a month now doin various things and installing the TM headers. getting sidetracked and having some horrible weather didnt help either.

i got my beater (1990 civic hatch) up to 148.1 yesterday with a single orion 2500d at 1 ohm and the middle 9912 thats all beaten to crap. score was on the TL at the dash, car off, doors and windows closed. I gained 0.2 db going from a 6 inch aero to a flared slot port.

Put all those subs in the civic. :)


little update.

explorer is putting up decent numbers so far. 16th highest certified street C score in the world, 5th in north america.

front battery with terminals

rear battery with terminals

Score is legal at the dash on TL.

btw this is still the first and only enclosure ive built all year. new amps coming aswell :salute:

I like those bus bars. How much did those run you. And where can I get some

Lookin real good so far, good luck gettin that score up there.

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I like those bus bars. How much did those run you. And where can I get some

the copper ones were about $60 cdn in material. Could have gotten for cheaper but I didnt shop around.

Aluminum ones were about $20 in material.

Made both sets myself.

Lookin real good so far, good luck gettin that score up there.

thanks. We have a double pointer July 22nd here. Nobody in Canada has ever broken a 155 in street classes (excluding street max) so we'll see what happens there.

Have new amps now but wont put them in for a while. :D
