Anyone know where to get these? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone know where to get these?


Well-Known Member
September 26, 2022
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City, State
Washington, US
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 PIU
I found some really cool headlights on a video that I want to install on my Police Interceptor Utility, found them on my YouTube recommended and I'm wondering if anyone may know where I could find them? The video is here, the video is in Russia and mainly is just finding them in the US.

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Anzo brand are the closest I've found that are dot approved. Similar but not exact.

I found some really cool headlights on a video that I want to install on my Police Interceptor Utility, found them on my YouTube recommended and I'm wondering if anyone may know where I could find them? The video is here, the video is in Russia and mainly is just finding them in the US.
To the best of my knowledge, those are only available from the source in Russia BTW, the company has earned 2 out 5 stars from 5 reviewers. And as always, buyer beware when dealing with these sites.


Anzo brand are the closest I've found that are dot approved. Similar but not exact.
To the best of my knowledge, those are only available from the source in Russia BTW, the company has earned 2 out 5 stars from 5 reviewers. And as always, buyer beware when dealing with these sites.

That's my main issue is sourcing them from Russia, I don't want to end up spending money on something that maybe a pile of junk. I did find some here in the US that looks almost like the stock ones. They look like the 2016 facelift lights kind of. I found them here. I just don't like how I have to take the whole front bumper off to get to the lights. I'm replacing the grille either way with a black one.

If you're in the US, be sure that you DO NOT buy lights that aren't DOT approved.

If you're in the US, be sure that you DO NOT buy lights that aren't DOT approved.
These lights are DOT approved, I found some similar ones that have the certifications.

If you're in the US, be sure that you DO NOT buy lights that aren't DOT approved.
According to his margin profile, he is in Washington. ;)

