Anyone matched the tint on a 91-94 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone matched the tint on a 91-94 Explorer?


Well-Known Member
February 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Stockbridge, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ranger Edge
My 94 XLT has the tint that is kinda reflective on the rear windows, and the front windows aren't tinted at all. Can most tint shops match that tint? Even if the tint isn't as dark, I want it to still have that reflective look to it so it will match. I really don't wanna have to pay to have the whole thing retinted... I can't stand my front windows being tintless, I feel so vulnerable! ;)

I feel your pain, brother. I had scratches all over mine on almost all windows. Tint shop told me it had been on too long (faded) and match so, ...I decided one weekend to tear it all off. Then I called up other shops to see how much they'd do it for............ they still aren't re-tinted. :) Summer is starting soon, it will be done shortly.
