Anyone smell gas sometimes? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone smell gas sometimes?

I'm setting up a order from Rock Auto today. I'll add that purge solenoid to it. Thanks!

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Even though the cannister is in the engine compartment, you still shouldn't smell vapors, unless one of 2 things happen. First is a leak, second is a saturated cannister.

To eliminate possible leak areas, check or replace the connections between hard lines and components. Those are usually made with hoses, which crack over time.

Charcoal cannisters have a finite life, which has a lot of variables. However, once the charcoal is saturated, it can no longer absorb vapors and they simply pass thru untreated. The other thing that causes cannisters to fail is overfilling your tank. If you fill enough fuel into the filler neck, engine vacuum can draw raw fuel into the cannister, saturating the charcoal.

I had an issue with an unseated fuel pump as well as the filler neck ath the top of the tank causing a leak (I just bought the truck). Had to drop the tank and set them properly. No worries now.

Im getting the smell after I have been driving for about a half hour. I get it inside the cab, and can smell it when I get out also. I know the charcoal cannister on my 98 is under the body, in front of the gas tank. Now, when I get gas, I have to hold the pump the whole time. Otherwise, it just keeps kicking off the pump like the tank was full, even though the gas light is on. Ill put about a gallon in before it kicks off. Anyone know what that could be?

Solenoid was like $40 bucks.. So got one for $3 at pull and save. Took the old one off. It tested bad. Tested the "new" one. Worked fine. Put it on. Pretty sure that was the whole problem. Canister could be saturated now. Will see if fumes dissappear. Thanks all for the good advice!
