Anyone Who Has Installed An Overhead Console!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone Who Has Installed An Overhead Console!!

Nope. The overhead console is part of a package. The package has a lot of options. You either have all those options and the wiring or none of them and none of the wiring.

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well, it's my turn now to get this "overhead console" thing going. Just bought one.

wish me luck,

well... console is almost in...problen is I got it with no electric connector - so I have no idea where to hook-up wires.... I can splice but which ones? anyone done that? looks like there are 7 pins in the connector... 7 wires...


I think you're going to have to find a connector somewhere . . . ask around here, that's where I found mine because mine didn't come with one either . . . or check a salvage yard. Most of the wires inside of the console are black if I recall correctly. You'll save yourself a lot of grief if you find a connector.

and that's what I want to avoid.... trial and error. For now I'm sitting on my b** - no time really to do anything. Soon though I'll have to do something. I'll ask around.

I ran the wires... all I need is the connector that plugs into the overhead console...

That's exactly how I had to do mine........cut the connector off the console and solder in my own wire leads.
It really was not hard at all, and it all works great.
I used the picture that is posted in one of the hundred threads about these consoles......the picture of the wire connectors. If you look at the connector you will notice the 7 wires...I think it was 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom.......anyway...I just lined up my connector like the picture, snipped one wire off at a time, and labled it with tape to match the function shown in the picture. Once I had all 7 wires snipped off, I just soldered them to the lead wires I had run.
Just orient the connector in the picture with yours and you will probably see how the wires look the same...just note the position each wire is in in the connector...the picture was dead accurate on pin location/function.
If this is confusing, or you would like more back and I can pull out my picture and describe the wiring better.
I printed out that picture from the thread and wrote down all my wiring for future reference.
Good luck,

OK, thanks.... now I need to be on the lookout for the wiring drawing... I did solder connectors to all the wires I ran to the console.... I thought about cutting the connector off buf first I need to know where every wire goes....

thanks again,

too bad... I can't find it anywhere.... and I'd like to hook it up pronto...

if you still have that picture somewhere, please let me know.

I do have a copy of it in my "Explorer" papers book. I kept the one I used but I did mark on it a bit with all my wires I used. I can try and scan it if need be.
This is the thread that contained the original wire diagram. It was posted by mikefox. You could try and e-mail mike and see if he still has access to the site. The link he had in this old thread does not seem to work anymore??? Anyway, here it is.
I can try a scan if you can't get any help from this thread. It would probably be easy to describe to you right here in this thread...not hard at all. I've got to go right now...up for work in about 5 hours...but I'll check back tomorrow and type all the info out for you. Let me know and I'll check around 1200 tomorrow.
This is the actual link to the diagram. Other guys on here say the link is not working for them either...but some claim it does work???!!!

thanks... I'll wait.... I'm about to start tearing the rear end apart to replace it with disk brake rear end and throw leaf springs over the axle..... console can wait...

I can wait,

If you still need the is my hand drawing of the diagram. I could not get the link, nor the scan to take the original drawing. I think this one will be clearer anyway. If it does not work, or is not clear, post here and I will explain. Hope it helps,
.........Of course "open" means no wire in that port, and the view is facing the plug with the wires out the back.


  • console.jpg
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this is awsome.... thanks. For now I have to mark this thread for later..... I just took rear end out completely and am tearing it apart.....


Hi, you probaly all know me by the person who out of a few who installed the Message Center, and what I can tell you for sure is that:

There are alot of places where the VSS wire goes into...
there are over 1,100 circuits in your vehicle...the VSS wire is circuit 679....they go to many places and you can find them at:

Air Ride Control Module (right side of stereo, if so equipped)
GEM Module (left side of stereo)
Message Center (middle console, if so equipped)
Powertrain Control Module (under hood in the back middle)
Instrument Cluster
4WABS (under hood by the battery)
Speed Continue Servo Amp Assy. (i think that is cruise control under hood)

You can splice into any of these wires since they are all in the same circuit 679...i hooked mine into the stereo, there is a little difference in temp. but not much...but i too dont like to do half ass jobs a perfectionist also.

Other things that are electrical ive installed:

Factory Fog Lights
Fog Light Mod to where I can turn the Fogs on anytime i want.
Dual Visor Vanity Mirrors
Overhead Console
Autodim/ Autolamp Rear View Mirror
Message Center
Aftermarket CD Player with Amp and Subs
Afterburner Exhaust Tip
Factory Keyless Entry with Keypad...(almost done)

If you have any questions on how i did any of these...please ask...however there already is a thread out there for the Overhead Console, Message Center (by me), Autodim/ Autolamp Rear View Mirror...and amp and subs is a given...practically everyone knows how to...but that doesnt mean dont ask a question cuz you think it is dumb, no question is a dumb question...

like so, does any one know how I can get my thread about "This is how to install a Message Center" onto "TIPS" or "List of Useful Threads?"


It appears that the dimmer selector for the overhead console works almost like a relay. When the power from the dash lights goes to the console dim trigger it dims the display, so if you dim your dash lights it fails to register as a 'dim' status. To cure this you can wire the dimmer trigger to the parking lights or any other light circuit that is not controlled by the dash dimmer switch

hope this helps

Just put an overhead console into a 91 man that took some work.

so far I've got bigger issues to take care off... entire rear end is out of the truck at the moment.... console comes later,
