Anyone with a 1998-2000 OEM CD-ROM service manual | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone with a 1998-2000 OEM CD-ROM service manual


Transplanted Bostonian
November 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
East Brunswick, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Mountaineer V8 4x4
I need something looked up on a 1998-2000 OEM CD service manul, it may be different from my 1997, and I need to know.

I'm looking for the circuit code that the message center speed input uses, as well as the dashboard speedometer input circuit.

In the "EVTM" section, scroll to the bottom and click on "Connector faces and pinouts" Scroll down to "C2008," pin 11 on the message center should be speed input. Under circuit, what does it say? (Something like "679 (GY/BK)")

Also, I'm looking for connector "C287" Instrument cluster. What's the circuit/coloring for VSS Signal Input?


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The c2008 says exactly what you have in your post 679 (gy/bk). There is no "vss signal input). The only thing even close is the 4wabs signal input. Which is (679 gy/bk) also. This is from my 1998 cd. I'll be offline for a few hours, but would be glad to help out later. Good luck :)

Thanks for looking that C2008 up for me.

Hrmm... I would greatly appreciate it if you could email the digram of the "C186 4WDABS Mod" to me at aaron.held (AT)

Thanks. I'm trying to get this 1998/2000 message center working in my 97. I have it, and the later models don't have the "lamp-out" dealio.

No problem. Well one small problem. :) How do I do a screen shot, or whatever to copy the image? The ford cd is kindof wierd, and you can't even select the text on the wiring diagrams.

Yea... The CD is weird. I have Adobe Acrobat (full version), which has a little utility called "distiller" that converts print jobs into PDFs. Windows "thinks" its a printer.

However, I actually don't need the diagram anymore. I did some digging, and the solution to my problem is to get a message center from a 1996 or 1997. The 1998+ vehicles use a completely different speedo signal, which my message center is looking for. Nothing on my truck generates this signal. :fire:

Thanks for the help though - I really appreciate it.

No problem. Sorry it wouldn't work for you. Are the message centers expensive? It's one of the options I wish this truck would have had.

I'm sure the dealer would charge and arm and a leg. I see them on ebay for under $50 bucks... However, I have one that should work on your truck that I'd let go for cheap :)

Man oh man aaron

Your Message center screw up your stereo?

Fordexplorer157 said:
Man oh man aaron

Your Message center screw up your stereo?

Nope... I didn't have a message center... and i'm really close to having one now. Stereo's still bumpin. I just need a unit from a 1996 or 1997.... Man I wish tim would part out his truck, then I could also have his EATC :)

V8BoatBuilder said:
I'm sure the dealer would charge and arm and a leg. I see them on ebay for under $50 bucks... However, I have one that should work on your truck that I'd let go for cheap :)
I guess it depends on what cheap is :) I'm certainly interested. How many oogles of wires need hooked up? Are they all the same black console color? It just replaces the fuzzy pocket doesn't it?
