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APIM, extended warranty by ford


Explorer Addict
December 9, 2010
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I just received a letter from ford that the warranty on the apim has been extended for 5 years to selected explorer, i have not had any issue with mine but they sent me the extended letter. Anyone else ?????

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Haven't seen a letter yet but I read awhile ago because of all the problems with SYNC/MFT that they extended it. Although I thought is was all Ex's not "selected" ones.
I guess that could mean 2011/2012 but not 2013.

It better be for the 13my its worse then my 11my.

I got two! One for our Edge and one for our Explorer!

Just received the letter and MFT upgrade letter today.

Yeah I got the letter...hopefully I won't need it :)

So I got this in the mail a while back and I am wondering why they are extending the warranty on the APIM from 3 to 5 years? Is this because the APIM is at fault to most of the MFT issues? Seeing how the software can run flawlessly, it seems like it's a hardware issue sometimes. I mean the first MFT software was s**t, no doubt about that with it not using the onboard graphics processor and relied everything on the cpu to do the work. However, I had my APIM replaced twice already, and it really concerns me. Is Ford going to redesign the part and make sure we don't have to deal with this? I'd really like for the APIM not keep dying. Especially since the last time it happened, I lost all power for a second or two while on the highway with my dad.

Does anyone know what is actually failing on these APIMs that Ford keeps replacing?

No clue what is failing within the module. Fortunately my MFT has been nearly flawless. I've had one black screen of death and one reboot on its own in the 2 years and 39,000 miles now on our Ex. We use voice control, nav, ipod connections and weather/calendar functions.. With the little annoyance of not knowing every voice command, it has been performing awesome.

I bought an ESP through Ford because of all the electronics and for peace of mind.

So I got this in the mail a while back and I am wondering why they are extending the warranty on the APIM from 3 to 5 years? Is this because the APIM is at fault to most of the MFT issues? Seeing how the software can run flawlessly, it seems like it's a hardware issue sometimes. I mean the first MFT software was s**t, no doubt about that with it not using the onboard graphics processor and relied everything on the cpu to do the work. However, I had my APIM replaced twice already, and it really concerns me. Is Ford going to redesign the part and make sure we don't have to deal with this? I'd really like for the APIM not keep dying. Especially since the last time it happened, I lost all power for a second or two while on the highway with my dad.

Does anyone know what is actually failing on these APIMs that Ford keeps replacing?
The link below explains the extended coverage.
For those reading this and who are not familiar with the Accessory Protocol Interface Module (APIM) it is the brains of the SYNC/MyFord Touch system and consists of 1,062 components most of which are located on the main circuit board which is enclosed within a 2 piece aluminum cover.

http://allstatetrucks.com/images/Recalls/R12M02 11 thru 13 Models with Sync and MyFord Touch.pdf


The photo below was taken by our member Sgt1411 and is part of a larger photo album.


  • 0985a_017.JPG
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Peter k9 were do you find the apim?

Peter k9 were do you find the apim?
I believe it is mounted against the firewall under the dash. That picture is not mine. It was one of a series of photos that was posted here at one time and were taken by a Ford employee, I believe.
If I'm wrong in the location and another member knows, please post.


My new APIM is on order...

How doyou know if you need a new APIM?

So... I'm wondering after all this time, is Ford going to redesign the APIM at all? It sounds like if it's anything that is the biggest failure, it would be hardware. It'd be nice to know that I won't rely on the warranty when my APIM decides to die on me again since I've gotten it replaced twice.

So... I'm wondering after all this time, is Ford going to redesign the APIM at all? It sounds like if it's anything that is the biggest failure, it would be hardware. It'd be nice to know that I won't rely on the warranty when my APIM decides to die on me again since I've gotten it replaced twice.
I'm just curious to know if these faulty units are being sent back to Ford for evaluation to see what it is that is failing. I suspect that they are just being disposed of by the dealers.


That was a photo that I took at the 2011 NA Ford Fleet Preview inside the Dearborn MI HQ Product Development Center.

During the customer Ride & Drive they had an Explorer cut in half to show the insides.


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