Audio Stuff for cheap?? anyone know a good place?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Audio Stuff for cheap?? anyone know a good place??


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
anyone know a really good place that sells audio stuff for a good price?

in good i mean GOOD PRODUCTS. THAT AREN'T REFURBISHED. and good fast shipping time. and good customer support.

I once bought from apex wholesale audio. and i will never buy from them again... first their shipping takes from 3 to 6 weeks, they sell refurbished ****. that works for about a week.
and their customer support sucks a$$ thats if you can get a hold of them through their long distance number which is open 2 hours a day. don't buy from apex-whole sale audio out of ohio they suck.

how good is

So if any of you know a good place that sells good proudcts for a lower than usual price let me know.

thank ya'll

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. is awesome. if you find a price that is lower than theirs for a certain item all u have to do is tell them and then they'll beat that price for you. if u want some audiobahn alum12x check out my other post where i listed the coupon for it. i think u can get them with the coupon for about 140-150. i dont remember.

have you ever gotten a bad product from them?
hows their shipping?
customer service?


Awesome service and prices. I've purchased 2 amps and 3 sets of speakers from them and had no problems whatsoever.



jordan 23
how is their customer service?
how fast is shipping?


I did all the transactions via the web. I had some questions for their tech support team, and they emailed me within 24 hours with a response. They have an 800 number to use if you [refer. They are an A1 bunch and all my friends from and trust them.

Not to mention they offer a 1 year warranty OF THEIR OWN, over and above any manufacturer's warranty that may apply.

I ordered some Infinity Kappa coax's and hand them within 5 days of my online order--can't beat that!

Bottom line is, they are THE BEST !



all their stuff is new right?
no refurb crap??
i am looking at their web site right now and i want the infinity references for 69.99 a peice
thats good!!!

sounds like a good company.

thanks for the info

Sounddomain has good $hit! It's brand new and crap... Call yer order in, cause if ya do it online, sometimes it can take up to two days for it to be processed. I'm very pleased with their services.

s for posting that link to, I am going to use sounddomain's price quarantee to get a lower price on the q-forms kick panels. thezeb has them for 149.99 and sounddomain has them for 174.99. Now I can afford these. I just got some new CDT components for the front and didn't want to have to try and find a way to make them fit (too deep). And I love the way these things look and they are supposedly made for good imaging up front. Now I have an extra set of components, maybe I will just put them in the backto replace the cheap pioneer 5x7's.

those Q kicks are great. i have a comp set in them, and 6X8s in all 4 doors. it sounds much better than just having door speakers.

Ya Sounddomain is great but this place is better!!!

Check out
It has the cheapest products around.

trust me its the cheapest everything is like wholesale price

the reason why it's cheap is because most of it is crap (Pyramid, Pyle, Legacy, Lanzar, Volfenhag, etc...).
sounddomain has better quality equipment.


WTF is "Volfenhag"? Ha ha! Never heard of that brand (& sounds like I don't want to).

I had good luck with Placed 2 separate orders (1 small, 1 big). In both cases, ordered on a Sunday and both showed up the following Friday (LA to Cleveland). Did everything on-line and never had to call customer service. Very good prices and shipping was free on orders > $99.

Damn, that CARDISCOUNTSTEREOS place has Pioneer 3 -way 6x8's for $59.99. That is a real good deal. I think I am going to have to grab a pair of those. Just thought that othere might like that proce too. Check them out...


Check out if you are lookin for some good deals. I bought my pioneer 3-ways from there for $70. At best buy they are $100. I put the order in Wednesday night and got them the next Wednesday, which is really about 4-5 day shipping if you were to order on a monday. Haven't installed the speakers yet but they look great. I'll probably order something from or have sounddomain price match from reading these posts.

$6.95 Shipping???

Can someone who has ordered from before tell me if shipping is really 6.95 no matter what you buy? That seems a little weird to me. Who do they have do their shipping for them because i doubt ups will ship ne thing over 20 pounds for $6.95. The shipping on my 6lb. speakers was $9 UPS.

Yep $6.95

i ordered a big ol audiobahn 15 for my friend
it weighed in excess of 30lbs

shipping though.......only $6.95

we chould have ordered many other things on the same order...stilll would have been $6.95

they deal with UPS.....and their shippping is very fast and is packed well


I've purchase MANY items from them too. Once I called to get an amplifiers serviced under warranty--come to find out the warranty had expired a month and 1/2 earlier.

They honored it anyway and sent me a brand NEW amp...

Excellent people to deal with...

My .02


Yes i agree with . Factory sealed products. $6.95 shipping, I ordered my HU on a tues evening and recieved it on that friday. Packed well and shipped fast A+++

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Sounds good to me, i think i'll probably buy my head unit and an audiobahn amp from them sometime this week. Thanks for the help.
