August 2012 - Patriotic Rig | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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August 2012 - Patriotic Rig


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
For this month we will be voting on the "Most Patriotic Rig" for our TOTM contest. This means it can be your rig with fireworks, delivering fireworks, or just covered in the things that make us think of America.

Don't Forget:


Please take a trip to visit the TOTM rules again:

Announcement will be made describing the TOTM theme. Members will then have a set period of time to post there submission. (One Picture per member). Each time frame will be posted in the submission thread.

Anyone is welcome to submit a picture (Admins, Mods, & Members).

You may change your pictures if you like. Just do it before the time is up.

All entries must be of a Ford Explorer, Sport Trac, Mercury Mountaineer, Mazda Navajo, Ect. Go by the what the forum is for guys. Please don’t post pictures of your non-RBV's as your submission. There will be special times for you to do that.

You must be the owner of the entry you send in. No pictures of your neighbors ride or someone you don’t know. You can post pictures of your Daily Driver or Wheeling Rig. If you have a work truck that you want to send in a picture of then that will be ok.

Also do not Photoshop your rig to make it better but you can blank the license plate if you wish.

There will be a thread for submissions in which three pictures will be chosen at random. Then these three pictures will be put into a "Final Voting Thread" in which the entire forum will be able to choose this months winner. This ramdom voting will be done by giving each picture a number that I will know only. Then I will "PM" a random member here and have them choose three numbers from the list that will be given to them. The numbers will not be linked to their post number.

We will be running the Nomination thread until July 19, 2012.

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Here is my Independence Day paint scheme.




That one will be tough to beat

Those are great keep them coming guys

Here's a couple of mine...


Sorry the camera on my phone can't do good wide shots so here's a close up of my front licence plate and awesome EF frame, thanks again Turdle.


My old show truck in font of my house (two American flags and one P.O.W. flag fly year round).

