Auto door lock not working, unlock works fine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto door lock not working, unlock works fine


August 10, 2011
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2000 Ford explorer
I'm sure / hoping this is just a relay or fuse, but I don't see anything in the manual that would narrow it down for me. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

About 3 weeks ago I noticed that my doors no longer locked automatically when I shift into drive. I also noticed that the standard Ford key remote would no longer lock the doors. But if I hit the lock button on the remote twice, the horn still honks. The remote button for unlock functions works perfectly still. Likewise, the Driver's, Passenger, and Rear Hatch lock / unlock buttons function perfectly.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Check the relays in the drivers side rear next to where the jack is.

i had a similar problem on a 2000 Mountaineer. it also effected the backup/reverse lights, rear defroster and O/D OFF switch, as well as the AUTOLOCK function. turned out to be fuse #27 in the interior fuse panel. worth a look.

i didn't have any trouble locking/unlocking my doors using the buttons or remote. there's a wire splice under the carpet near/under the driver's side rear seat that is know to corrode and cause this problem.

Checked it out today after work.

The relay is not heard when I press the "lock" button on the remote the first time. But does click when pressed a second time, along with the horn, but will not actually lock the doors. It also clicks when the hard wired buttons (doors and cargo) are pressed, and the doors do lock.

I started digging into the wire harness under the rear seat, but it got a bit cold.

Is there a wire or relay from the remote receiver I should be checking also? Or just focus on the pink / yellow wire splice in the back seat?

Checked it out today after work.

The relay is not heard when I press the "lock" button on the remote the first time. But does click when pressed a second time, along with the horn, but will not actually lock the doors. It also clicks when the hard wired buttons (doors and cargo) are pressed, and the doors do lock.

I started digging into the wire harness under the rear seat, but it got a bit cold.

Is there a wire or relay from the remote receiver I should be checking also? Or just focus on the pink / yellow wire splice in the back seat?

Koda has you on the right track. All of the "lock" wires are pink/yellow; there is one from the RAP module to the aforementioned splice that causes the doors to lock via the remote. Highly likely your problem is somewhere between the RAP and the splice; with the splice itself being most likely. There is a separate yellow/lt green wire from the RAP that causes the horn to beep. Good luck.

Thank you all for your help. It was the corroded wire at the splice that everyone mentioned. My splice was in the racetrack so it took some hunting to find it. I could see green leaching out from the splice's wrap, and sure enough once I got the wrap off one of the wires had no copper left. Stripped clean and re-spliced. Works great!

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