2010 ST 4.0 5R55S Int. Shifting Issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2010 ST 4.0 5R55S Int. Shifting Issues


New Member
November 4, 2021
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Orange City
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010Ford Explorer ST
Hi all!

My Sport Trac is having some weird issues with going into reverse and sometimes into drive. I've found the issue to be most present when the vehicle is cold at start up.

I go from P to R, give some gas, and nothing. RPM's drop down, I can hear it go into R (no loud clunk or anything) and I'm on my way. Every now and again when I pull to a stop sign in D and give it some gas, same thing happens.

I brought the truck to a local shop, they checked tranny fluid levels and it is OK, where it needs to be. Didn't smell burnt fluid either.

OK, well the issue still persists. I have a new filter and intend to change that and the fluid in the pan. Wondering if anyone can suggest where they think this issue is coming from? Should I replace the solenoid pack when I'm in there? Should I replace the reverse servo? (I heard the reverse servo also runs low?)

Also -- since I still have reverse and all forward gears, just "sometimes" happens, does this mean my bands internally aren't broken (yet)?

Trying to figure out where to start and what I should get on order, I really don't want to open this up twice if I can help it!

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Don't know if you got this fixed yet or not but everything you are describing sounds like low fluid, if the local shop you took it to doesn't work on transmissions they may not have checked it properly. If it in fact is full of fluid there might be a problem with the filter (either loose or a missing seal from a previous repair).

The solenoid block wont have anything to do with this kind of problem, even the reverse servo wont cause this type of issue either.

Don't know if you got this fixed yet or not but everything you are describing sounds like low fluid, if the local shop you took it to doesn't work on transmissions they may not have checked it properly. If it in fact is full of fluid there might be a problem with the filter (either loose or a missing seal from a previous repair).

The solenoid block wont have anything to do with this kind of problem, even the reverse servo wont cause this type of issue either.
Wow JK080, I really hope this is the case. I have a new filter and gasket ready to go, just didn't want to take it apart and find something larger was the issue here. I even bought the pump to pump fluid back in the tranny, so I should be all set. I guess maybe I should do this myself, save a few hundred bucks, and if "IF" there's a larger issue, run it until something worse happens. Have you worked on these 5R55S trannys a lot? This is honestly the first transmission issue I've had. I really appreciate your feedback here, and you are indeed giving me some hope!

Yes I have build hundreds of these transmissions we would see one or two a week for years, now we see them maybe once or twice a month.

Double check the fluid level before you drop the pan, engine running in park on level ground or as level as you can get it. If its low there should be a leak, check up by the radiator where the cooler lines go into the radiator they like to leak there.

Yes I have build hundreds of these transmissions we would see one or two a week for years, now we see them maybe once or twice a month.

Double check the fluid level before you drop the pan, engine running in park on level ground or as level as you can get it. If its low there should be a leak, check up by the radiator where the cooler lines go into the radiator they like to leak there.
JK080, I just ran outside to take a peek underneath to check tranny cooler lines under the radiator. Nothing leaking there.. however.. I found a leak right by the bell housing, not sure if it's motor oil or transmission fluid.. assumed tranny fluid? Took a closer look at the transmission pan and can see part of the filter -- any way you can tell if this is the original one, or if the pan has been dropped before? Any ideas on how to combat the leaks, or does this help to determine where my issues are stemming from?

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You cant see the filter with the pan on I believe you mean you see part of the pan gasket, its hard to tell if its new or not, plus if they dont tear when you drop the pan you can reuse them so lets not go by that.

If that is transmission fluid leaking from the front that is not a good thing, this would mean you will have to pull the transmission out to fix the leak.

I would check the fluid level and adjust as needed and clean the oil off the bell housing and drive it around and see what comes back.
