Auto Trans Gear Shifter out of Alignment. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto Trans Gear Shifter out of Alignment.


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2004
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City, State
Altus Ok
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer Limited
Crazy...looked all over the forum but didn't find anything...

This morning i turned on my ranger put i into drive and saw the gauge and it said 2 instead of D (Drive). I then put it back to D and it was in N (Neutral), but it was on the D

I went threw all the gears but it seems they are out of alignment...

Park is on R
R (Reverse) is on N
N in on the D (Drive)
D in on 2


Is there a way to adjust this? need some help here...thanks fellas...

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Remove the upper instrument panel steering column cover.
Place the gearshift lever in the position.
Rotate the gearshift lever clockwise until it bottoms out (first gear), then rotate two detents counterclockwise (D) position).
Hang a 3.6 kg (8 lb) weight on the gearshift lever.

Center the pointer in the middle of the 19 position.
Rotate the thumbwheel located on the bottom of the steering column to adjust the pointer.
Remove the 3.6 kg (8 lb) weight.
Carefully move the gearshift lever from detent to detent and compare with the transmission settings.
Readjust if necessary.
Install the upper instrument panel steering column cover.


  • shifter.gif
    11.4 KB · Views: 3,204

Well done Al !


English Porfavor....

It IS missing a few images and steps.... in short... open er up.... pull into as far right as it will go then back into what SHOULD be the D position (2 stops back)... they want some weight on the shifter, probably not crucial.... then using the rest of the steps adjust the pointer until it says D, square bang in the middle.

See if that helps.

It IS missing a few images and steps.... in short... open er up.... pull into as far right as it will go then back into what SHOULD be the D position (2 stops back)... they want some weight on the shifter, probably not crucial.... then using the rest of the steps adjust the pointer until it says D, square bang in the middle.

See if that helps.

Just noticed that; thanks for pointing it out.

I simply copied it from Alldata; thats exatly have they had it with the 1 image.

My 1999 Explorer has the same problem. But I could not locate the thumbwheel to adjust the pointer. Are the steps to adj. the same for my 1999? If not, any additional help on locating the pictured thumbwheel?

Thanks, Jeff.

Thanks BrooklynBay, now I know why I could not find it.

Great site!!

I had this problem, started yesterday. Got on the web, googled to this site, and fixed the problem using the plastic tie as shown above. Took me less than an hour to fix! Thanks guys, great site!! I'm sure I'll be hanging out here a lot, since my truck is getting up in years. Thanks again!
