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B&M ShiftPlus


any chance I can talk you into drawing something up in paint for me? I'm not getting the schematic and Im thinking maybe a standard circuit style will make it easier to under stand.

If you email it to me Ill post it as an image and host it.

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ok im lost as to were the ends of the resitors go to I guess. heres what I came up with in paint and what I need to know is what I do in the spots I marked with blue squiglys.


So, is part#70381 for the v8? I need one for the sohc v6 (1998), or at least the schematic.

conig said:
ok im lost as to were the ends of the resitors go to I guess. heres what I came up with in paint and what I need to know is what I do in the spots I marked with blue squiglys.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh.. conig whats your email.. Ill send you the schematic.

Gonzo.. Check out http://bmracing.com/index.php?id=products&sid=3&cat=15 for your application.

well guess I got it incorrect then.

I sent you a private message with my email.

well , i went and BUILT ONE AND IT WORKS. kinda.

it does indeed firm up the downshifts as well, which i dont really like. also, it made my tranny clunk when downshifting, and then my 4x4 lights started flashing, which is odd as i guarantee its not a transfercase issue as i swapped out the eelctric one with a manual 1354 :p

i went to radioshack and spent $7 for 4 1ohm 10 watt resistors, a small pack of blade connectors (i already had the ones b&m gives you to connect to the pcm wires from when i bought one awhile ago and thought it didnt work. loking back i dont think i stripped teh shift plus wires correctly or something..) i connected a 1ohm resistors across the wires and that was as far as my testing went, but it does work! good job man!

I’m not sure I would recommend 1 ohm resistor, that’s even less than the Level 2 setting. Even B&M doesn’t recommend the Level 2 setting (ie 1.5 ohm resistor) for regular everyday driving. a) Its hard on the hydraulic pump as your line pressure goes way up and b) I am not sure how much current the PCM is capable of sinking. ie you have lowered the resistance seen by the PCM from 4 ohms to 0.8 ohms. You should use either a 1.5 ohm resistor for the Level 2 setting, a 2.5 ohm for the Level 1 setting or no resistor at all for Level 0.

well i hooked up 2 of the 1 ohms together and it didnt make any noticeable difference :-/

I still wouldn’t go below 1.5 ohm.. Just because you cant feel a difference doesn’t mean its not working. If the Duty Cycle on the PCM goes up to 100% (for whatever reason) and you have a 1 ohm resistor in there than your talking 14.4/0.8=18 amps.. Instead of the usual 14.4/4=3.6 amps or 5 times what the PCM usually delivers. Is this bad, maybe. Am I going to be the guy to buying a new PCM, nope. Like I said before, this is a poor mans modification. It works, but its not the best solution.

Can I get a copy of that schematic as well? Would it work for my 98 ex w/ 5.0? email is tcbradbury98@yahoo.com, thanks

well I never though I was this slow but I guess I am. Im still not getting the schematic.any way though am I reading this as I can just put a 1.5phm resistor to a one way switch and run a jumper inbetween the wires listed above? Im really only doing this for occasional use, experimentation and when towing.

heres the schematic.

X24, is the B&M part#70381 what you have installed on your 5r55e?

made up a 2 ohm resistor pack today, rated fro 20w becasue it was either that or 10 watts. definatly not as harsh as using just 1 ohm, but im not sure i like it. i think i would prefer a valve body mod firmer shift than this as this feels a little wierd, but i guess having the ability to easily disable it makes it easier to deal with.

So this basicly makes your tranny shift harder and prevent slippages? Is it harder on the tranny since now it has to shift harder?

conig.. You can use a 1.5 ohm resistor and a switch for Level 2. Or you could use a 2.5 ohm resistor and a switch for Level 1. This way you can choose between regular shifts (Level 0) or a single different level of your choosing.

well lets see if now I know whats going on anyway I couldn;t just do it this way. its easier for me to conceive this way. I don; think ive used paint this much in the last 5 years. Also weres the PCM yet ive not looked for it I told myself I'd leave this truck stock. or is it bast to tap at the transmission?


does ford use any type of torque management that can be removed/modded so the injectors use full force when shifting. (dodge cuts the injectors down during shifts, theres lots to be gained 1/4mile by wiring a switch to this wire)

nopethat wont work. take teh middle wire and resistor, and swap it with the plain wire on the right, and you'll be set. make sure you get a 3 position switch, so that in the middle position it is disabled, and then either of the two side positions, or front/back positions, will use the 1.5 or 2.5 resistors.

Anyone know if theres a mod like this for a 2000?

Need help with B&M

I know this is an old thread, but I made my own B&M ShiftPlus using resistors and a switch, however I don't know where to connect the wires. I have a 97 XLT 4.0 SOHC with 5R55E, and I don't have a red wire or white w/yellow stripe at pin 37 or 38. Please help. Thanx

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Figured it out, DUH, was looking at wrong pins. Anyways, got everything connected and WOW what a difference. Anyone beefing up their X should do this mod, not only are the shifts quick and firm, I also noticed more power between shifts. I have a 4.0 SOHC with 5R55E, the only other mod right now is an intake, and I still notice the difference. I used two 1ohm 10watt wirewound power resistors from RadioShack for $3, connected them in series to get 2ohms, and connected them to the two wires (pin #97 and #81) on the large PCM wire harness on the firewall (under the hood, not inside). I also connected an inline switch just in case I would need to turn it off. Getting ready to do the TPS mod next...
