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Photos Back from Truckhaven 2003 - Photos

that was the most awesome run that I have ever been on. I am so glad that I went. I met a lot of new people and saw a lot of awesome rigs. Rick, thank you for the great setup, I hope I get a chance to go again with you guys. Next time my truck will have lockers and at least 33's. I do have some pictures(on my crappy camera) and as soon as I figure out how to post them i will, I also have some video to post as soon as I figure it out.







RangerX, if you want me to make you a cb console just let me know, I think I could do it for about $40, email me or PM or something, let me know, I am more than willing to do it for you.

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Chad, Thanks for posting the photo of my Sport Trac, man... I am so glad someone got it! :thumbsup:
I have to figure out a way to save the photo for my desktop wallpaper.
I didn't even realize til now that your truck is on 32's!! Well, it sure looks good with'em. If you guys can swing it, seriously consider the AZ run next month. There are camping areas at Lake Pleasant (which is sooo close to where the Crown King trail starts). Thanks again all.

DUDE that is the cleanest CB console! I wish I had taken a better look at it while we were out there.

kevin (offroadkc)....when are you gonna get all your video's posted?


Poor guy is still jumpy.

I'll get my pics over to Rick asap and see if he can get them up.

Well, I am finally home. That damn Chevy Suburban is still giving us problems though.

I dropped the "Green Mistress" off at Advance Adapters and I already miss her. Oh well, she will be better, faster, and stronger than before.

It is unbelievable how safe you feel in Rick's truck knowing you have that roll bar, but there was still a large portion of seat cusion lodged in my ass as the truck hopped and dropped back down a couple of feet.

I had a great time and can't wait until next year.

Had a great time out at T-Haven even though I didn't have my truck. Big thanks to Bill (Ranger-X) for letting me co-pilot with you. I have pics but I haven't uploaded them yet since I haven't been home lately...I'll get them up soon.

Thanks again, Rick and Char, for letting us tag along with the Explorer Elite! Rendell and I had a great time, and I have never seen such a collection of well-built Explorers and Rangers! We're enjoying all the pictures and videos that have been posted, re-living the off-road adventures. We're hoping to be able to join your group again sometime, as long as you don't mind a slightly bent-up Bronco II within the ranks ;)

The trail leaders did a great job of finding trails that challenged everyone - awesome wheeling! :D

Jim and Rendell

It was great to wheel with you again, Jim! You know the AZ run is comming up! ;)

And thanks again for letting me pilot the Bronco. It made my weekend, especially after I had to park my "trail modified" truck.


Thank you to all who posted pics, they look good. I had a blast over the weekend. It was good to get out of the upper desert and meet new people. I did get my digital camera fixed so I can now download pics to my comp. Next time out I will have my co driver taking pics;) . From the stories it seems I missed a little of the action from Saturday night. We are still trying to figure out if we can or can't make it to the AZ run.

Thanks again

Mark, Annie, and Sally Dog

"3 Wheeling":D


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Jim, it wa great meeting you and your wife. You're always welcome to join us.

That was a good trip, even if I had to stay up for over 24 hours my first night out to save Chris and company. CHRIS, you owe me big for that little night run.

Friday night (or Saturday morning, 0030 hours):
I had stood up, picked up my chair and was walking away from the fire to go to sleep, when this full-sized Bronco pulls up. Out jumps my new friend, "JC" (never met a redneck I did not like) and he informs us (Kevin, Mark and myself, the only people stupid enough to still be awake when he drives up) that Chris is stuck somewhere between Shell Reef and the Pumpkin Patch. After a few minutes of debating on whether to just let him spend the night out there, he says he will just walk to Shell Reef. That was the deciding factor, did not want him getting lost in the desert......and since for some strange reason he was having trouble giving me very simple instructions over his cellular phone, like where he was since I know he knows the area better than me, I thought a rescue would indeed, be in order. We spent about two hours driving around the desert looking (it wasn't all bad), we finially get them on the cell again. Turns out Chris and company were sleeping while we were searching.

Now Chris has a clearer head and tells me exactly where he is, about 30 minutes drive across the desert from camp. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! Again, I think of leaving him to the coyotes, but its not he coyote's fault he got stuck. Got him back to camp at 0500. Slept 2 1/2 hours and was awakened to the sound of two strokes.

Thanks to everyone for assisting me in waking up the Sleeping Chris as we embarked on the stocker run.

All in all, I had a great time, thanks Rick for setting up a good run. ......and Kevin (not Diff Whack, the other one) you are still a wussy for not taking your rig out Sunday..He He.

Cant view the movies???

I have Quicktime and Media player, I just downloaded the DVxc or what ever its called and still nothing.


Come on over and you can see them here :D

The download worked for me... Sorry I can't help.

Originally posted by Hammer
Cant view the movies???

I have Quicktime and Media player, I just downloaded the DVxc or what ever its called and still nothing.


They are not quicktime - they are DiVX5 format.

Originally posted by BKennedy
That was a good trip, even if I had to stay up for over 24 hours my first night out to save Chris and company. CHRIS, you owe me big for that little night run.

Friday night (or Saturday morning, 0030 hours):
I had stood up, picked up my chair and was walking away from the fire to go to sleep, when this full-sized Bronco pulls up. Out jumps my new friend, "JC" (never met a redneck I did not like) and he informs us (Kevin, Peter and myself, the only people stupid enough to still be awake when he drives up) that Chris is stuck somewhere between Shell Reef and the Pumpkin Patch. After a few minutes of debating on whether to just let him spend the night out there, he says he will just walk to Shell Reef. That was the deciding factor, did not want him getting lost in the desert......and since for some strange reason he was having trouble giving me very simple instructions over his cellular phone, like where he was since I know he knows the area better than me, I thought a rescue would indeed, be in order. We spent about two hours driving around the desert looking (it wasn't all bad), we finially get them on the cell again. Turns out Chris and company were sleeping while we were searching.

Now Chris has a clearer head and tells me exactly where he is, about 30 minutes drive across the desert from camp. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! Again, I think of leaving him to the coyotes, but its not he coyote's fault he got stuck. Got him back to camp at 0500. Slept 2 1/2 hours and was awakened to the sound of two strokes.

Thanks to everyone for assisting me in waking up the Sleeping Chris as we embarked on the stocker run.

All in all, I had a great time, thanks Rick for setting up a good run. ......and Kevin (not Diff Whack, the other one) you are still a wussy for not taking your rig out Sunday..He He.

That was actually a real good night run. Too bad for you it went all night:D I work nights so it was right in my time frame.

I had a good time wheeling with you and look forward to doing it again! There is a race on Feb 1st in Barstow. I am not racing it but I will be there to help some friends with their race. Come out if you can. Also shoot me a mail and we will set something up. I am going back down to Truck Haven on 2-15 and 3-1. I am also going to be doing a lot of test trips with the race truck when I get it put back together. Thanks again for the fun run. Talk to you soon.

The wife and I made it home yesterday at 2am. We took a small detour into Big Bend National Park on the way home.

We had a good time seeing old friends and making new ones.

My carnage which some has been mentioned previously:
1. My gas fuel filler got ripped from its stock location and bent. The gas cap broke also. Tom and Matt helped me fix the fuel filler, thanks guys. Tom cut off the end to the filler pipe and cut the filler pipe before the bad bend in it. Using JB weld we stuck the end of the pipe on the newly shortened pipe. I picked up a new gas cap in Indio and after letting the JB weld sit for 24hrs I was ready to go with my new fillup location. I now have the fuel filler sitting underneath the bed of the truck. One of the bed mounts keeps it from getting into the tire wheel well area. So now I fill it up between the tire and wheel well.
2. I definitely flexed the truck more than I had before. The front tires were rubbing in places they hadn't before. The front passenger tire got slices from the fender well. Of course on my way out to Thaven I picked up flared fenders, so the rubbing may not be an issue after I get the new fenders put on. I think I also noticed a new jab mark in the cab from the bed.
3. On Sundays run while going up the waterfall I broke the outer CV joint on the passengers side. I still made it up the waterfall though. :D Rick got a picture of the chewed up splines that go into the CV joint:

offroader_69_me and Becker69 - I grew my hair out for the cold winter and to do a grey hair count. :) It will be gone again as soon as it gets warm again. It's 30 degrees here in Houston today. :(

Becker69 - Looking at the picture with your tire in the air I can tell that you still have your sway bar connected. Disconnect that thing to get more flex and traction.

Jim(BuckinBroncoII) - your Bronco II rocks! I'd like to see some stats on that beast.

offroadkc - Emmy says, "Sit down and shutup!".

Originally posted by Johnstone

3. On Sundays run while going up the waterfall I broke the outer CV joint on the passengers side. I still made it up the waterfall though. :D

Good man! I knew someone could break that outer *******! I have tried, but only I seem to blow inners. ;)

Oh yeah, and good job getting to the top of the waterfall. Maybe next year I'll be able to play some more. :D


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Yeah Brian, I definately owe you all big time!!!! I rode back out there on Sat. on my dirt bike and there was tons of people out at pumpkin patch so I'm sure someone would've come along eventually. We'll have to do a run sometime before next years t-haven run. You should come out to one of the races or testing runs with JC. I won't be making it to the race next weekend but should be at most of the rest and most of the testing runs. I'm heading over to his house in about 30 minutes to go pick up the truck with him.
