Backup Camera | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Backup Camera


July 25, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Howell, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Sport Trac Adrenalin
hey anyone on here have a backup camera installed on there sport trac? or any type of truck with a pickup bed for that matter. i have one but am having trouble finding how i can run the wire from outside to inside the vehicle. i know there are places to get through the firewall in the front but i have never ran any wires through there before and i am not sure how to go about doing it.

and tips would be greatly appreciated.

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I dont know about the sportrac for sure, but if you get under the vehicle and look up at the cab, chances are there are a few grommets in there... you'll have to pull up the carpet/trim to get to them, but thats what I used for most of getting my wires into the cab. You may see them a few places, my 00 F-150 had I think one or two on each rocker panel and then a few towards the center. The ones on the Rocker Panel I believe are designed for drainage, not sure what the other ones were designed for.

As Matt said, I think there are like 3 grommets on each side of the cab that you can run wires into the cab with. Get underneath your truck and look up. I have a power inverter sitting behind my drivers seat. And there is a grommet right there that I use to run its wires up to the battery power in the engine compartment.

I knew a guy years ago that had an ST and put a camera in his 3rd brake light. But, I don't think he ever added a video processor to fix the the mirror affect on the video image.

thanks for the help i will take a look at that and see if i can find any gromets. as far as the third brake light i think im gonna use the reverse signal from it so i dont have to run that wire into the vehicle as well.

I have a "wireless" backup camera I got at Pep Boys. Wal-Mart sells the same one. It uses a wire splicing clip to power the camera from the backup lights and the monitor has both a lighter plug and a hard-wire. I hard-wired mind to the lighter plug wiring under the console. There is no wire that runs between the camera and monitor. Picture quality is excellent. I love it.

really? that is pretty cool. i just hooked mine up thanks to the advice from the people above. it looks good. and it was free when i ordered my avic f900bt from crutchfield. how much money was that wireless one? and did u have to drill a hole in your bumper? i like mine becuase its the kind that mounts over the license plate

Mine mounts to the license plate bolts also. Originally I got one for the wife's car at Wal-Mart for $99.99 then later I saw one at Pep Boys for $79.95 plus a $10 rebate and I got that one for my truck.
