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Bad night, only thing damaged was a chevy

sorry no pics but a pretty good story

:( so my brother and I had some people come over to his house for a get-together and what not, out in the country so no worry about neighbors and such, plus its in wooded area,

everything is fine and everyone is having a good time, and someone mentioned something about wanting to go swimming, and i told them that a small river runs right through the woods and they could go jump in it if they wanted to,

so now a handful of people wanted to go so instead of walking like we should have i hopped in my explorer that i have parked out there for the time-being until i need it in the fall again when i put my car away, so we drove down to the easied entry to the river and it was pretty shallow and they didn't want to swim there so we went around over on the other side of the shed where its pretty swampy and i thought for sure that i could have made it, so i make it through the first part and then i really hammered on it :burnout: and started going into the second part and then i started to slow down and it just wouldn't go anymore.

so the couple of guys that came along got out and decided to give her a push and she wouldn't move, just sunk in more and dug deeper holes and the tires were just full of mud.

i just sat in there and started laughing, "this was a really good idea"

so one guy decides to go up and grab his truck and bring it down and try and pull me out, his 3 week old 2004 Chevy Silverado! :D

about the time that i was gonna walk up and tell him to just forget about it he was already back there,

so we get the tow rope out and have it all hooked up and he hops into his truck and stepped on the gas and voila he was stuck too!!

so now we all get out and try to push his truck out and it was no use the front tires were in some pretty decent holes and the tires all mucked up, so now i didn't care about my Ex i just wanted to get this guy's truck out because he had to work earlier then i did,

so i told my brother to bring his 93 Ex down and we would try to tow it out with that,

so its all hooked up and whatnot, everyone was in the back of the guys truck except me, i was pushing on the front of the guys truck while my brother was pulling, the first yank and nothing happened, so my brother backed up a little further and really gave it hell in 4LO second gear, the truck popped right up and out of the holes and took off!

i was yelling at the top of my lungs for him to stop and some guy was in the back of the truck telling my brother to keep going and then crash!

pulled the guys truck right into a tree,
he had the tailgate down but it was completely bent to ****, they had to pry it off the tree,

other then that no other damage was done besides the hinge was bent on one side and a very small dent in the bumper......the guy was really cool about it, wasn't pissed at all!

so at least we got the truck out,

the next day my dad went up and got my Grandpa's tractor out and then my little bro and him pulled it out while i was at work, he was lodged in the mud pretty good, he said he had to yank it pretty good with the tractor to get it out,

but yeah it was pretty interesting

that was the second Chevy that had to be pulled out by an Ex in our woods :D

apologize again for no pics

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oh and this happened last tuesday night

hahaha YEAH!!!! atleast no ford was harmed in this!!! dumb ass chevys!!!!

great story!!!


rfuree11 said:


i know, there wasn't a camera available sorry

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