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Bad noises coming from my Explorer


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March 16, 2009
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Hello. I have a 94 Ford Explorer 4x4. Last weekend I was driving into the city (about 25 miles away) in rush hour traffic. The truck hasn't had any problems and it ran fine on the highway. Then I got to stop and go traffic. At first it was ok. Then when I was leaving the toll booth for the bridge, it stalled. I restarted it, and it started making some strange noises and I got a burning kind of smell. When I slowed down again it stalled, and I restarted it. I did this about 3 times, until I revved it enough that it didn't stall. But I still got the smells and it was making a bad hissing noise. When it idled it also intermittently made a grinding noise. No trouble shifting gears, so I don't think it's the transmission.

I got it home, and let it sit for a day. When I tried it again, there was no grinding and no smell but there is a subtle hissing noise. Checked the hoses and nothing seemed to be out of place, but I could be wrong. When the hood is open and the truck's running, it sounds like the noise is coming from the belt area. Any ideas as to what this could be??? Thanks for your help!

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Usually a hissing noise indicates a vacuum leak. Double check the vacuum tree on the drivers side rear part of intake. All the prongs need hoses on them. If you don't find any vacuum leaks (may need to trace each line) check your coolant level. Report back to us ...

Hello, I dont know that I am doing this in the right place but I have a 2000 explorer that is doing almost the same thing but I do not have the hissing noise could this been the coolant level as well?

Hmmm, I'd have to agree with Verno. In my old 92, the vacuum lines had developed just enough of wiggle room such that they would come off the vacuum tree with relative ease. Once that vacuum is lost, it will run like doggy doodoo. As for the burning smell, it's possible that the vacuum line, once disconnected, may have hit a hot surface and melted a wee bit. Either way, that would make for a cheap and easy fix. This would make sense especially considering that it has been running very well up until this point. How many miles??? CEL??

or.... coolant could be leaking which would smell sweet and burning....if its super heated/pressurized, there is your hissing sound

when the head gasket on my mustang went it was similar

I have 126000 miles and it is a v8, I dont have a hissing noise at all and after looking at the coolant level I believe that is what I need. Thank you all for your help on this one.

ok the coolant level is fine. I was able to drive the explorer home but probably should not have. Now it will not start at all, it will not even turn over like it is tring to start. The battery is fine so I know thats not an issue.

you HAVE a smell but no hissing Sweetbread?

do you have grinding sound? or just stalling?

I never thought I would use the word Sweetbread on this or any other board.

it was making a grinding sound when it first happened it smelled like burning rubber like maybe the belt. it is not stalling at all it just will not turn over or start at all now. some one told me that it could be the air compressor and that since there is one belt that turns everything i need to replace the air compressor and that it would fix my issue.
