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Has anyone heard of, found, or experienced a solution to the Ford Explorer exhaust issue?

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I can understand the fuel blends issue since the sulphur content is not regulated.


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Yes, and the blends change from season to season. Not just the sulfur, but also the additives they have to put in so the "junk" will burn. They have to get rid of it somehow.
I posted earlier, I went through the same thing with the 04 Sequoia. They replaced the cats and it made the smell more bearable, but didn't fix the real problem. Never thought I'd have a vehicle 10 years later with the same problem, and especially a problem that has been going on for FOUR year models.

I finally got my Explorer back. They had it since last week Monday.
Evidently, they did TSB 14-0130
It included the following parts

Seems odd that they replaced the wheel arch trim on both rear quarter panels. It's raining out so it's hard to tell that's what they did, but that's what those part numbers pull up.

My wife picked it up, so I can't report until tomorrow if this did anything, but I have my doubts.

They did replace the seat back on the driver's side middle row that they broke when they recovered it. It arrived with stitching coming undone when we took delivery and we finally got these Bozos to fix it at just under 36,000 miles.

Bryceb, thanks for the post. I'm really anxious to hear from you after you test drive it. Please post asap. I am calling the dealer tomorrow to arrange for that TSB to be done. I'm not real happy that he hasn't called me to bring it in for that, as he is "supposed" to be checking with Ford engineering for "any and all" possible fixes.

Bryceb, thanks for the post. I'm really anxious to hear from you after you test drive it. Please post asap. I am calling the dealer tomorrow to arrange for that TSB to be done. I'm not real happy that he hasn't called me to bring it in for that, as he is "supposed" to be checking with Ford engineering for "any and all" possible fixes.

So, I'll say it's much better but not totally resolved.
You still get a whiff of the smell, but it isn't overpowering.

I'm still a bet confused as to why my wheel rack mouldings were replaced, but sure enough, they replaced them. I'm not sure if that's actually part of the TSB or if the damaged them while taking the bumper cover off to do the TSB.

Thanks for the report Bryceb. I'm thinking there is a body seam in the wheel well "arch", where the upper body sheet metal(or plastic", and the floore pan come together. Which would be a likely place for the outside air to be pulled in. I've left messages twice today for the service mgr, and have not received a return call. I'll try again tomorrow. Do you know anything about the TSB code? Does that mean it was issued "2014-Jan30" maybe? If so, my guy should have already called the car in for the "repair". Thanks again, hope it reduces the smell enough so we can tolerate it.

Thanks for the report Bryceb. I'm thinking there is a body seam in the wheel well "arch", where the upper body sheet metal(or plastic", and the floore pan come together. Which would be a likely place for the outside air to be pulled in. I've left messages twice today for the service mgr, and have not received a return call. I'll try again tomorrow. Do you know anything about the TSB code? Does that mean it was issued "2014-Jan30" maybe? If so, my guy should have already called the car in for the "repair". Thanks again, hope it reduces the smell enough so we can tolerate it.

That's how they are name, IIRC... They are not generally published by the manufacturers bad it takes some investigation yo find out what it entails. I found nothing inline about this TSB.

Had a call from the service mgr this morn. The TSB 14-0130 is the one they did to my EX previously. The parts list is a little different though. I need to find out a little more about that. The wheel well moldings get ruined when they are removed according to the mgr. We/They are going to keep on working on the problem. Calling to set up an appointment with the ford field engineer for this region. "Probably be a week or two " he says. ......Hopeful but doubtful.

trying a tank or two of higher octane. my altitude is roughly 3500-3800 ft. I usually use 86 octane. I'm trying two tanks of 90.

today I noticed that through three WOT runs the smell was mitigated further. With 90 octane I perceived about 50% less smell than with 86.

There are more than 261,000 posts in this thread. I believe that should be enough to warrant some action by Ford.

261,000 posts??? :scratch: Not sure where you got that from. The actual count, including this one is 1315 and many are just replies or comments. Not all are about having the issue. I'm not denying there is a problem that has now carried on for four model years and Ford should have done something about it now. The problem is that it appears no one really knows why it is happening. There are many suggestions offered up in this thread which indicates that even we, the users, don't have a definitive solution.


261,000 posts??? :scratch: Not sure where you got that from. The actual count, including this one is 1315 and many are just replies or comments. Not all are about having the issue. I'm not denying there is a problem that has now carried on for four model years and Ford should have done something about it now. The problem is that it appears no one really knows why it is happening. There are many suggestions offered up in this thread which indicates that even we, the users, don't have a definitive solution.


I stand corrected. I was looking at the number of VIEWS. None the less, this is an old problem that Ford should have been able to resolve given the the vast resources, tools, test equipment available to them.

I have a very hard time believing that FORD doesn't know "what's happening".
With the equipment(wind tunnels etc) and the knowledge at their disposal, they have to know. It would likely take a major makeover of the rear portion of the body, and exhaust system to solve the problem. How many units would they have to "fix" from 2011 thru 2014? A lot. Not only a tremendous expense for the fix, but there would be many lawsuits if they ever admit there is a problem. I'm just hoping they can come with a "band-aid" that will allow us to enjoy the positive aspects of this vehicle. As I posted sometime back, I had the same problem with a 2004 Toyota Sequoia. They changed cats to make the odor less obnoxious, and we were more careful about how we accelerated. I traded that truck in on this car, and here we go again. Like the rat that was caught in the trap said,,"I don't want any more cheese, I just want out.

I love my explorer and am willing to deal with the smell for now. I can mitigate it to the point of not being fussed too much about it. Yeah...I'd love it if this issue were resolved though.

They know since 2010 which is the first TSB. But still manufactured.
I presume that the impact on performance, MPG among other things has stopped in solving the problem.

Yesterday I let my Explorer at dealer to put on a prototype exhaust tip from Ford.

I have pictures but not how to upload!

I've run two tanks full of 91 and 93 octane and can report that the smell is further mitigated.

Hi all,

Just wanted to share I also have the smell on my 2015 Sport X. I agree with the others based on my observations and previous auto experience that this a high A/F ratio smell from the cats. Also I typically observe this on the first WOT after the vehicle has sat for awhile. I don't notice it as much on later drives. Looking at the design of the exhaust and the back of the vehicle, the vacuum theory being created in the rear vehicle seems to be logical theory. I was going to try fabricate a temporary exhaust tip extension/lip to see if I could create a bit more turbulence in that area to see if this mitigated this issue.


The prototype exhaust tip Ford put in my Explorer. them look down and have small hole in front of the tip between two real exhaust tube and the shine one to create turbulence.

Really smell diminished somewhat.

The manager told me that Ford was sending other pieces to solve the problem forever

Send me an email so we can send the pictures of the tip and label.

Eduardo Alvarez

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I did not read all 67pages on this thread - but I have been told there is a TSB for this issue and there is a vent that has to be replaced... I am having done in about a week..

Was this TSB mentioned anywhere in these 51 pages?

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