Ball Joints on 1996 4x4 - Need Help Removing Axle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ball Joints on 1996 4x4 - Need Help Removing Axle

Troy H

Active Member
June 3, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Columbia Gorge, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
Hi All,

I seem to be stuck trying to get to the ball joints on my 1996 Ford Ranger 4.0 4wd. Any help with this would be appreciated.

I've spent much of this week researching my ball joint replacement project and found very little that pertained to the 1996 Dana 35 IFS (pretty sure). Most detail 1998 and later which have a different suspension. Mine looks like this:



The closest thread I've found detailing the procedure on a similar system is this thread relating to a F150. On the F150, the wheel hub is removed and the axle shaft is then pushed through the knuckle - which then allows for work on the ball joints.

This differs from my system in that my spindle is held to the knuckle with a small brace that can't be removed (located at about 3 o'clock in the photos), then the bolts were punched through from the rear of the knuckle. The axle travels through this spindle.


I tapped the bolts out pretty easily, but because of the axle, I am still unable to remove the spindle.


So, following the logic of the thread I was using, my plan was to bring the axle out through the knuckle, but because the spindle is in the way, I cannot do this. Also, the joint appears to be larger than the hole in my knuckle anyway.


So, how do I remove the axle and the spindle to continue my work? Is there a way to separate the axle shaft from the stub shaft and pull the axle inward?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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I want say that I used a punch to take the spindle out or a mallet ..Or I left the way you have it and used a big wrench to remove the balljoint nuts and then a pickle fork to separate the two and then removed the axle from the spindle and balljoints..I am not sure on this because it's been a long time since I did this..Oh your suspension is a ttb system..

the red circled part is separate and has to be pulled off, you have to pry it out a bit than wiggle it off the axle shaft in the middle,


  • spindle.jpg
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Unless someone changed the front end, which is doubtful, you have a 91-94 explorer front end. I've done them but can't exactly remember,do a search on 91-94 explorer or up to 97 ranger and you should find your answer.Or go to and search their tech library,,you'll find your answers there. You'll need to piece together a home depot joint remover for the bottom joint I believe but it's not too difficult.

Corkey is 100 percent right, the part circled in red is the spindle, tap that loose w/a soft faced hammer and you can the slide your axle out.

Use a bunt tip in your air hammer, line it up into the crease between bolt holes and remove the red circled part. Use a few zaps between each bolt area and work your way around. it will come right off this way

Thanks for all the replies and thanks for the clarification on my axle type. Hopefully that doesn't mean that the parts I bought are too different.

Thank you very much, RangerX. The link you provided answers my question about that oval block (it comes off!!). I did not find that link in my searching. The oval block and the axle shaft prevented me from removing the spindle - my spindle was already loose, it just wouldn't come off.

Off I go!

Hello. I noticed this thread and it pertains precisely to my situation.

Does anyone know if the plate circled in red (in the picture submitted by corkey) has any special procedures to be removed? We've beaten the living hell out of that thing (destroying the abs sensor in the process--joy) and it won't move.

It's an old-ass vehicle so I assume it's simply rusted on there but maybe I'm missing something. Or does it simply need an impact wrench to move it?

Any and all help would be appreciated.

I'm having the same problem removing that plate that is circled in read how did you end up getting it off lord shell 5, 6, 7, 8 of this thread directly answer your question...

Click the link in my earlier post and look at step 4 on the first page, it's how to remove the spindle.

Yea I ended up getting it thanks I origuanlly thought it was welded but upon further inspection realized it wasn't and pulled out the Bfh and smashing away

Stubborn spindle easily removed with a sharp wood chisel. Start by the abs and work around. Wear safety glasses they adds confidence to swing hammer harder.
