Ball Joints | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ball Joints

Ron Husak

September 30, 2000
Reaction score
Hi All..
I am a common "Lurker" on the site just jumping inwhen I need help or advice..
I have a 97 sport with control trac and 170K. I have been told by my alignment tech that I need at least lower ball joints.. I have searched some and found some differing info.. Do the front half shafts have to come out? Do you need a ball joint press? Any BTDT would be most appreciated.
If I need a press what would you recommend? No local "free" loaner type shops available..
Thanks so much for your compliled wisdom..
Ron Husak
97 Sport
Conifer, Colorado

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No - the half shafts do not need to come out. You will need a press to get them in. Good luck


Ron Husak said:
No local "free" loaner type shops available..

obviously he doesn't have access to these "freebies"


Hi.. Thanks all for the replys..
What kind of Harbor frieght press?

Thanks for the reply..
So one doesn't work better than another?

Each kit they sell has a different amount of attachments for different purposes. The more expensive it is, the more it comes with. Some attachments you will probably never use on your vehicle, while others are a must have.
