Battery Cable | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery Cable


Well-Known Member
July 12, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Leominster, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer Explorer
Hey Guys,

My son was watching a DVD in my 02 EB yesterday while I was washing the cars and the battery died. Not a problem so I threw it on the charger. However, the bolt on the Negative Battery cable is now stripped so it will not tighten on the battery post. So, I can now slip the Negative Battery Cable on an off the post which is not good.

Since the bolt and nut and now seized (I already tried PB Blaster), what options do I have? Should I just replace the Battery Cable or should I try to drill out remove the old bolt? I tried removing it last night but it was getting late so I left it for now.

Thank you!


If the clamp appears to be in good shape with the exception of the bolt, you could probably get away with just grinding off the bolt and replacing the bolt and nut. Or you could also just replace the clamp with the universal kind at the auto store, there is no need to replace the whole cable.

I was able to take a hack saw and cut the old bolt out and replace it with a new bolt. Thanks..
