Battery disconnect, alarm not working properly | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery disconnect, alarm not working properly


February 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Thousand Oaks, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ironman Edition V6

I checked the site for posts similar to this but could not find any. If there is one please lead me in the right direction.

Here is my problem:

So I had to replace the blower resistor on the AC Blower motor and as a precaution I dicsonnected the battery. When I reconnected the battery my stock alarm does not work properly. The key fob still opens and closes the doors properly, and the "theft" light on the dash lights up. The problem is when hitting "unlock" on the key fob it does not turn the alarm off so I can start the truck. The engine kill is still active. If I deactivate the alarm (via hidden valet button) I can start the truck. I don't know what else to do. Is there something special you need to do to reset the alarm after disconnecting the battery?

Any help would be appreciated. I have checked all the fuses in the cab and under the hood an all are good.

Any ideas? :confused:

96 EX XLT 2wd
4.0 V6

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I don't think it's a factory alarm, most likely an add on to the keyless entry, try looking for a module so you can search online for the manual for that particular system

Unfortunately it is the factory alarm. I bought the truck new in 96 and it it the Ford alram.

Ford didn't offer one, it might be a dealer installed alarm, look for a manual for Ford Security System 3&4 (code alarm), I have mine at home so I might find it afterwork

Thanks. Interesting. I have the Ford EOM alarm remote, I always thought it was a Ford alarm. I think I have my manual at home, buried somewhere I will take a look.

You can get several add ons, they integrate to your keyless system, (the lock wire connects to the arm, the unlock to disarm), so you still use the factory FOB, but have a full alarm rather than keyless only

Ford offers a dealer installed alarm with ignition cut out. I believe it's from Code Alarm and the dealer parts department should be able to give you a toll free number for support. You would need it for programming...they're a ***** to program. Ford never offered our Explorers with an alarm with ignition cut out from the factory.

I looked for the users manual at home and couln't find it, it might be in the truck, I'll look today.

But the process was something like stand on your left foot and jump 3 times while touching your nose then start the truck, burp the alphabet, turn the truck off, the push every button you find and you're done hahaha

Ditto... Ford offered a dealer-installed Ford-branded CodeAlarm unit. It came with a starter bypass. It's quite possible something went awry, but good luck getting to the bottom of it.

A knowledgable tech at a place that installs CodeAlarm units might be able to get the info a little easier... But it's gonna cost you.



Thanks all for the tips. But rather than burping the alphabet and clicking my shoes 3 times and having an out of body experience I think I will take it to my local alarm shop and get a new alarm put in. It will probably be cheaper than taking it to the dealer and bending over!!!
