battery tray removal? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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battery tray removal?


Well-Known Member
October 8, 2005
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Waxahachie, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport 4x4/2001 Sport
I picked up a poly battery tray today at tractor supply, does anybody know offhand how to take the stock one out? I want to pick up any bolts I need ahead of time, its a pain to pull out my battery.
I plan to use this and a battery cross peice with some J-bolts to hold it down.

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bump.... anybody?

Im 90% sure the stock one is riveted into place. Grinding most likely required, but i could be completely wrong.

You will probably need to take the plastic wheel-well off. Or, if bet if you remove that side of the front dressing on the engine, you could be in business.

Thanks, I just got done having a look at it. It is badly rusted, so I had to scrub, vacuum and use some naval jelly. You are right about the rivets, I saw one, and drilled it out. It looks like there is another rivet of a different type, when these are removed, it looks like the whole tray slides sideways to come off. Unfortunatly I ran out of time and daylight, so I will have to wait till tomorrow to find out.

Thanks, I just got done having a look at it. It is badly rusted, so I had to scrub, vacuum and use some naval jelly. You are right about the rivets, I saw one, and drilled it out. It looks like there is another rivet of a different type, when these are removed, it looks like the whole tray slides sideways to come off. Unfortunatly I ran out of time and daylight, so I will have to wait till tomorrow to find out.
Hi there! I have a Ford Explorer 91 vehicle myself. Did you ever find out how to remove the battery tray? I need to replace mine as well. Also, do you mind taking some pictures too. Thank you 😊

A 14 year Necro!


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now that its 14 years old plenty of time to save for a PLASMA CUTTER

Thanks, I just got done having a look at it. It is badly rusted, so I had to scrub, vacuum and use some naval jelly. You are right about the rivets, I saw one, and drilled it out. It looks like there is another rivet of a different type, when these are removed, it looks like the whole tray slides sideways to come off. Unfortunatly I ran out of time and daylight, so I will have to wait till tomorrow to find out.
Hi can your explain to me how you take off the battery tray? I have the same exact vehicle you have and I’m trying to take mine off too.
