Belt sqeaking 94 LTD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Belt sqeaking 94 LTD


Well-Known Member
October 14, 2004
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Plymouth, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 LTD '10 LTD V8
My 94 LTD is my winter SUV and i've been having the Belt sqeaking for about a year now its really not that loud but after i took it out of storage its bad!!! Heres what i did to almost stop the Belt sqeaking.. Last year i replaced the pully on the belt tensioner didnt help... SO now I just replaced the Idler Pulley and wow NO sqeaking!!!!!!! My point now is that I still have alittle sqeaking and it seems to be coming from the belt tensioner???? Is that possible do i need to replace that also? If so how do you replace it with that fan blade in the way? The Belt has no cracks on it and is about 2 yrs old..

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I have to say, I am the master of that damn serpantine belt, I had a bad squeal and it drove me nuts, wouldnt even drive the thing, it was too embarassing.
I had replaced the water pump, idler, fan and clutch, rebuilt the steering pump, and was still getting a squeal, and it was worse. If you are going to get a new belt, get a GatorBack, great belt, about $30. My problem turned out that the steering pump had been leaking, slinging fluid everywhere, and had caused a corroded film to build up on the pump pulley, even when it was scrubbed with a toothbrush it would not come off. So I took a triangle needle file and carefully sanded the insides of every tooth of the pulley, fixed it like brand new, not a single peep since.
To pull that belt without removing the fan, first take the belt off of all pulleys, then tuck the bottom (balancer) part of the belt between the fan blade and shroud, then just pull up on both sides, install is reverse.

I just need help how to replace the belt tensioner.... I know how to to in the 3/8 socket into the hole and release the tension...but how do u get the socket out without it slaming back??? Do i have to align the new one back in ...reason i see lines on the old one??? just a question i want to ask... also would a bad belt tensioner cause it to sqeak?? would there be any reason to replace it??? Also the winter suv has 241,000 miles and runs great!!!!!! I just has the small sqeak...

I am not sure what you are asking, do you mean a all new tensioner assembley w/pulley, or replacing the belt, or replacing the tensioner assembly guts, which I am not sure can be done without some special tools.
You have to have some kind of breaker bar to really control the tensior when you are setting it back, either on the belt, or just letting it go. Once the belt is out from underneath, just slowly let it come down, till it stops. Then there is just two bolts to pull and its off. Let me know if this is not what you mean.
As for aligning it back up, just eyball it to get it straight, it will realign itself if it needs to.

Yeah i just want to replace the whole unit "tensioner assembley w/pulley is it easy to do. I see one bolt for it... and i see one bolt for the pully. so i'm guessing that i just remove that one bolt and thats it... I'm just worried about the tension on this unit how it comes off and putting it back on.

Ok, here is how to pull the tensioner, there is a bit of a trick to it, I did it a couple months ago to install a new thermostat, which by the way, if yours needs a new thermostat now would be the time.
First pull the belt off, you dont have to pull it all the way out, but tuck it down out of the way. Then if you look, when the pulley is in its free resting position, there is a bolt head underneath, in other words, the pulley is covering it up. Now you want to pull this one first, use the second bolt on top to hold everything together so it wont be moving around. If you have somebody to help you, it will be alot easier, get them to put a socket on the pulley bolt with a breaker and pull it all the way up, then you can get at the bolt underneath. Its a little cramped, but it will come out this way, just make sure whoever holds that tension real good. After you pull that bolt, let out the tension and then pull the bolt that you can see on top of the assembly housing. Thats it, then to install the new one, first put the covered up bolt in while its out of the truck, put it in its place, then hand thread it in as much as you can, then start the top one, go ahead and tighten it up to hold again, then get the socket/breaker and pull the pulley up agian and tighten up the bottom bolt, then the top again. This should help, its not that hard to do, as long as you remember the bottom bolt first. Hope this helps.
Oh and the new one comes pre loaded, you just install and then put the belt back on, it will tighten and align itself.

Ok heres a progress report Darrman..... I bought a new belt "Gatorback...replaced the Idler Pulley, Replaced the pully on the belt tensioner...but did NOT replace the Tensioner! And still have a sqeak problem with a cold start...after about 5 mins of driving its gone.. The power steering and ALt spin ok no leaks any where.... DO you think I should just replace the Whole Belt tensioner and this would solve the problem...... MY point here is how do u tell if the belt tensioner is BAD!!!!

Thank You

Have you tried free spinning each pulley(except HB) and listening? If you have replaced the idler and the tensioner pulley and are getting no noise out of them when free spinning, then its probably something else. The tensioner assembly is just a coil spring there is nothing that I can think of that would cause a squeak, it just keeps pressing down on the belt and flexes for rpms. As long as its still got a hard pull when you are taking the belt off, it should be alright If you are guessing by listening, then it will be very hard to tell, I thought mine was bad too till I realized it was the P/S pump pulley.
Something you should try to do before pulling the belt off agian is to start it up and get some water, in a spray bottle if you have it, and spray/drop a little bit on the outside of the belt, then the inside, by the P/S pulley. If the squeak stops immediatly then its the belt slipping. Let me know and we can go from there.

Ok heres the deal! Its been 5 months now.....I replaced belt "Gatorback...replaced the Idler Pulley, Replaced belt tensioner... But at cold weather starts... Which this SUV is in garage... I still get the squeaking.... but goes away after about 5 mins of driving... I was cleaning my garage and found where the squeaking was coming from the WATER PUMP!!!!! Its never been replaced.. Should i replaced it just for a squeak like this...also its only my winter SUV which will be going into storage in about 3 weeks.... Is it possible that the water pump will make noise like that?????

Anything with a bearing will squeak eventually. A mechanic's stethoscope is great for pinpointing noises, just work slow and carefully. Good luck.
