Apparently I'm not the only one with a belt sqeak in the rain... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Apparently I'm not the only one with a belt sqeak in the rain...


Explorer Addict
June 12, 2003
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 5.0 AWD
I had a squeaking drive belt that I fixed twice. Once was the actual belt and tensioner, the second time was the upper idler pulley. The second sqeak was harder to trouble shoot because it only happened in rain / humidity.

Anyway I swapped the pulley out and thought I got rid of it until I was sitting at the train station a few weeks later on a rainy day and I head the sqeak again! I immediately went to the front of my truck and put my ear to the hood but could not hear where it was coming from. I looked behind me and saw a sqeaking Ford Explorer pulling into the parking lot :rolleyes:

The thing that kills me about this is I've seen a bunch of people on the board with the issue, now people on the road, yet my dealership has never heard of the problem? I'm glad I fixed this one myself for $20 rather than wasting ANOTHER trip to the dealer only for them to find nothing :mad:

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I have a 2002 Ford Explorer with a squeaky belt as well. Since I just bought the vehicle I brought it back to the dealer and they replaced the water pump pulley, and serpentine belt. After replacing those parts the belt still had a squeak. So, they also replaced the Alternator and that seems to have fixed the problem. Good Luck.

Mid-90's rangers had a rainly-weather belt squeek as a recall item. The fix involved putting an updated splash shield in the wheel wells.

There was a suggestion by someone else here to lightly scuff the smooth pulleys (like water pump pulley) with emery to stop movement. I have never tried it though...

I have a cold weather squeek right now that I think is the idler pulley. I'll replace it and I hope that stops it.

Mine was actually when the air was humid. I could have it sitting in the garage and if the humidity went up it would sqeak. Not a result of splashing water. The idler fixed it though :)

My ranger had a belt squeak i couldnt get rid was so annoying.I changed the following parts to no avail.. tensioner,3 belts,idler,water pump pulley and alternator pulley.If that truck had a neck i would have choked it....
