Best vacuum for SeaFoam 1998 Explorer Sport 4.0 OHV | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best vacuum for SeaFoam 1998 Explorer Sport 4.0 OHV


November 24, 2009
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1998 Sport
I've been reading tons of threads on where is the most effective spot to vacuum SeaFoam into your intake and I'm just plain confused.

Brake Booster line seems the easiest, but I've seen tons of threads that talk about how it will not cover all cylinders. PCV valve seems a bit more of a PIA to accomplish but I'm willing to go there if it actually provides a better coverage. Are there any other easier "magical spots"? :)

Does anyone know a definite answer to this?

I plan on doing 1/2 can in intake, 1/2 in oil, and 1 can in full tank of gas... Does this sound right?

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Hm, more investigation leads to the Canister Purge Port?

Anyone know exactly where this is? I know it's located on the throttle body... should it be fairly obvious?

i dunno but would also like to no how this is done best so imma tag along =p

Well, i'ma fidget with it... also, if anyone responds in time... should I have a fuel filter ready to change.. better before or after SeaFoam?

I know as much as the video shows me... but I'm wondering which vacuum line is the best for 4.0 OHV (1998 Explorer).

Hm, very nice.. I'm going to have to check this out when it's a little warmer. Too damn cold right now. :thumbsup:

Hm, very nice.. I'm going to have to check this out when it's a little warmer. Too damn cold right now. :thumbsup:

OHV + V6 + Seafoam were my search terms. ;)
