big brakes and front suspension | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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big brakes and front suspension


Elite Explorer
November 11, 2014
Reaction score
Not far enough from Seattle!
City, State
Kent WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Sport Trac Adrenalin
Hey all.
Awhile back a member shared a Facebook page by a company that has parts for some mods.
I have scoured the search, and even joined Facebook, but still no see.
They only had a Facebook presence.
Can anyone help?

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The 2005 Sport Trac has a 2nd gen suspension right, same as 01 Sport Trac etc? Those already have the largest available front brakes, bolt on. The rears you can slightly improve with various other similar year brakes from a later Ranger, to a Mustang, or a Crown Vic. But those are very slight gains, and usually require more difficult modifications to mount.

Always use the best pads possible, high end brake fluid, flushed well and often, plus slotted and/or spot faced rotors.

Thanks Don.
Yes you are correct.
I am going to go w/ the pointers you gave me earlier in the year, in this case I am looking for the suspension mod- specifically the coilovers.

Very good. The stock level parts work pretty good until you increase the tire size(footprint) a lot, and/or get a tire with amazing traction/friction. I have had more brake than I could use in my Mountaineer for a long time, I did it for the hope of better brakes, and longevity for my mail truck planned to put them on later. Things change, we learn as we go etc.

I used the 2002 Mustang GT rear brakes in order to get rid of the OEM brake shoes. You'll need the calipers, rotors, mounting bracket, and pads. Removal of the axles are necessary in order to remove the backing plate in order to remove the oem bracket and install the Mustang one.

I used the 2002 Mustang GT rear brakes in order to get rid of the OEM brake shoes. You'll need the calipers, rotors, mounting bracket, and pads. Removal of the axles are necessary in order to remove the backing plate in order to remove the oem bracket and install the Mustang one.
Very good Rick. Do you by any chance recall the caliper piston size, and are those vented discs? The Cobra/Ranger/Crown Vic are all near 1.8" caliper piston size, they varied slightly.

Very good Rick. Do you by any chance recall the caliper piston size, and are those vented discs? The Cobra/Ranger/Crown Vic are all near 1.8" caliper piston size, they varied slightly.
I'm not sure. I bought a 2002 Mustang GT that was totaled in the rear and took the 4.6 v3 engine and transmission out and put it in a 1998 Explorer Sport. I then looked at the rear axle and noted it was the same 8.8 as in my Explorer. Everything fit like a glove. It did not have the vented rotors but the caliper was the same size as the X. The mounting bracket was the biggie though.

Thanks, I browsed a short time ago and saw the caliper would be the same as the Cobra, so it's basically the same size as the OEM piston area. I liked the bigger vented rotor of the other three I mentioned, but the parking brake on those mounts differently. So I too had some spare parts, a 2004 Crown Vic P71 rear, and the brakes would require welding a small tab on the rear, to hold the parking brake cable that goes in at 90 degrees to the brake bracket. I have the parts so it won't be too bad for my 99 to play with, but I wouldn't buy the parts again just for the slight gain in rear braking.

The front is the place to work on if needed, the rears are not that important.

I swapped the cobra rear disc brakes on my van. If something larger comes along for just as cheap, I'd be interested.
