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Big Bucks Ebay Auctions Bring Out The Freaks!!!!

So true! I sold an '01 Cadillac for a lady a while back and someone offered $7,000. Apparently starting the car at $100 means I only want $100 for it, so $7,000 is a great deal! Another guy, from Ukraine, offered $100,000 via Western Union :p

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Ohhh, I only found the one when I looked. The right one apparently. Anyway, it is a beautiful car. Somebody is going to be very happy to get it.

Robb...i'll buy it for 10k if you ship it to Algeria, Brazil, then to Indiana, and paint it pink with multicolored cow heads mounted to the hood.

Let me know, i'm extremely serious about buying this car!

Nice car, I would just wait out the auction, but then I have only used Ebay once. You could allways call Mike collect from a pay phone.

Well, I expected the idiots to continue to email, but the three I received today were kinda cool (not including the one from an EF member ;) ). The 2nd guy I posted about earilier wrote me again, and seems like an honest guy, although I am not about to sell the car to him cheaper than I want out of it before the auction ends. Two of the emails I got were from legitimate ebay folk (300+ ratings) with legitimate questions. The third was from a legitimate guy (500+ rating) asking for a honest "buy it now" price for the car. I am hesitant to reply to him with any real price, because, to be honest, I would like to see what the auction brings. And the auction doesn't look as bad as it seems! There are no bids as of yet (90% of ebay bids are in the last ten minutes), but as of right now, there are 51 people "watching" this auction. :eek: Some of them are probably EF people, but even before the link was given here, there were 30+ watching it. I figure that with that many watching, one of them has to be willing to place a bid, and be good for it. And that is all we want. We want, at minimum, $12K for the car, that is why I started it there. I am not a big fan of reserve prices, or low starting bids, so I started it at what we would be able to sleep at night with getting. We would be happy with 12K, and anything above that is a bonus.

I did get an email that started with thanking me for my honest description. All I can do is be honest! I have two other cars sitting around (actually, I sold one this past week) that were bought from weak desciptions, and didn't end up being what they were thought to be. That stuff is just stupid!! I am going to be as honest as possible about what I have (I got a BUNCH of auctions to go in the next few months), and if I get one bidder who believes in the product I have at the price I want, everyone walks away happy. I don't auctions with 100 bidders, because that just implies that something wasn't right.

Thats a nice ride. I would keep it.

Seller removed listing from sale. Either he sold it already or decided not to sell.

worst ebay experience for me went something like this:
i ask "could i have a shipping quote to: <my adress here, Canada> please and thank you?

the reply i got was:
"yes we do ship to gays, homosexuals, what you people do up there is none of my buisness but all the power to you. i will ship this for 1000$" (shipping could not have been more than 15$)

i guess some people just dont like money....

People are funny. No matter how much information you give them they still want to ask questions. When I sold my Maxima last year I put up an ad on cars.com with basically everything about the car (including the reason I was selling it). EVERY person who called me (you are required to list your number) asked "Why are you selling it?". A-hole - did you read my ad????

The best was when people started making demands on the car. I got a call from this one guy saying "Ok, I like the car but you have to remove the tinted windows and performance suspension" - this was all before we discussed him actually buying it. I replied as follows:

"Sir, I'm sure you understand that I cannot remove any items until someone actually BUYS the car.". He paused for a second and started to see it my way." - Idiot.

The worst experiance I ever had was selling an old Mazda. I was asking two grand and it was an older car ('93). I had this one guy come and take the car for a test drive for like 2 hours. He said he was interested and asked to take it to a mechanic. I agreed and spent another 6 hours with him the next day (at this point I agreed to $1700). Then he said he was going to give me a bank check for the money and I told him that I wanted to be sure it was backed by the bank before I signed over the title. I confirmed that the penalties the bank would get if they bounced the check were much larger than the check was worth so I said let's do it.

Then he says that he's not interested because there is a "lack of trust" between us! I never met this guy in my life and wanted to punch him in the face when I did and I'm supposed to trust him????? Some other guy came the next day and bought the car on the spot. I learned that people who take too much time usually don't end up buying.

we had a $4K auction for a 1967 dodge polara. This guy starts emailing, dick in hand for the car (sorry to be blunt, he was swearing up and down about his love for the car) Wants it so bad, he uses the buy it now. Comes down from oregon to pick it up, and doesn't. Instead, he gets into it, and drives off up the street, and takes a while coming back. He comes back, parks the car in the street, shuts the engine off, and says we misrepresented the car and runs back to his car and takes off after talking a while!

Go to start it up, and it is running like total crap. We had done a complete brake overhaul, new points, new spark plugs, changed the oil, etc so it would be roadworthy.

He tampered with the carb adjustment screws, then drove it back home, limping like hell.

My mom the night before had polished the chrome accessories on the engine to look real snazzy when the hood was put up, and the aftermarket air cleaner has a special looking nut on it. She turned it so it looked centered, and it gave a professional look. This nut was on incorrectly when we put the hood up to figure out the problem, plus fingerprints are all over the chrome air cleaner (remember it was highly polished and clean)

Luckily we got all the money back from ebay for listing (big deal, ebay rips people off, so they can afford it) and the guy is now black listed from all auctions we have.

what a nightmare....
