Body lift!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body lift!!!


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2009
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Spokane WA
Anyone think a body lift is mandatory for off roading? This thing(explorer) has ****ola ground clearance off the body even with 31's. Anyone have any recomendations for a good body lift?

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Functionality, gotta keep that stuff from hanging up on obstructions!

Well I'm going to eventually do a SOA and a 4" suspension lift to I think.

nice................ :) plenty of info around the forum...............

ya' get what ya' pay 4.............

body lift - PERFORMANCE ACCESSORIES..................

Thanks man! Gotta get that thing up a little so I can see the frame.

all in a day's work :D

Now I'm debating 2" vs 3".. 2" no extensions, shifter for manual(is that right?) or steering. 3" you have to put on extensions. Part of the equation is I want to mount some tow hooks on the frame for vehicle recovery since there doesn't seem to be any good tow points on my rig. Am thinking the 3" might give me more room to fit something like that on there?

with the 3" I had plenty of room for the front tow hooks.......... gonna go through the trouble of body lifting might as well make it worth it with 3" IMO
plenty of room if your gonna run 31's

so you dont need any extensions at all for a 2inch? just throw the spacers in and go?

dealing with automatic or manual....................
3" steering - manual shifter ext
2" manual shifter ext?

3" it is! Can't understand the peeps that don't want to see the frame. That's why Tacoma's look so cool stock and have a ton of clearance is they put the body up above the frame. Local 4x4 shop says they have the PA kit with a shifter extension in the kit? Does that sound right? Do any of the PA kits come with it or is it a seperate part?

I also got my rear piece of recovery gear today.. factory looking tow drop hitch for $9 at the local junk yard. Course my knuckles are kinda sore from wrenching it off...

you do know that you really arent gaining much for body/ frame clearance right? it will allow you to clear bigger tires and raise it a lil but realize if you are tryin to do it for ground clearance know that your frame is still goin to be where it is which means you will have the same amount of chance of getting high centered....

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Seems like it would help with getting the tires up on obstacles instead of sticking your bumper into them? Same with the rocker panels on the side. They seem to be pretty low.. Also was wondering if it allows you to drop the oil pan easier as mine has a leak.
