Bought a "new" trail rig! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought a "new" trail rig!


Explorer Addict
May 8, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Eastern NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 Explorer
After talking to alot of members and seeing what a couple other guys are doing with their cash, I decided to start looking for a trail rig and stop trying to drop endless amounts of money into my Explorer. I had come to a point where it was either go big, go home, or get something cheaper to work on.
I have been looking for a Sammy for awhile, but here in Hawaii, even a beat up nasty Sammy will still run you a couple thousand, so when I came across this Jeep I couldn't say no.
It is a '79 CJ-7, V-8 3-speed man., it came with lots of spare parts and new parts that the guy never got around to. Basically, he bought it with lots of plans for it and got hurt and can't climb in or out of it anymore.
Tomorrow I will take pics and post.

Even though it is a Jeep , I will always stay loyal to my Ex, she will just stay alot cleaner now.


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Originally posted by Hokie
Traitor!.... ;)

I'm sure you'll have fun with your new ride

I will always be true to my Explorer, she is the one that got me started in this whole mess, but she is just too expensive to play with. I was looking at $2500 for a Superlift, $1600 for gears, $500 for a L/S, etc, etc, etc. Where as I just bought this Jeep for less than a grand and I am already off to a good start. SFA, someone already did the gears and the locker.


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And the pumpkin


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