My new tow rig PICS (limo) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My new tow rig PICS (limo)


Ole Bag
Moderator Emeritus
August 22, 1999
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City, State
Celina, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level

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Sweet jesus. That thing rocks.

Can you say F350 Powerstroke? I does rule. I get into a hour long conversation with pictures at every stop I make though :)

My goodness I didnt think you could get bigger then the Centurion but you DID!!

Texas limo fer sure

How's the Gas milage on that thing? ;) :thumbsup:

OMG!! It's gotta be a Texas thing. :eek:

Dang...I wouldn't call it a tow can probably just park the X in the back :eek: !!

Nice truck!

Make it look like this... :)


The gas mileage is actually awesome. You have to remember I have been driving GAS hogs though. Going to diesel has gotten me more miles per gallon and less on the pocket book at the same time.

*I think it is a Texas thing :)

It is a 1997 Ford F350 Dually. It started life as a true 4 door. Centurion conversions bought the truck from Ford and stretched it in 1997. I bought this rig from the original owner whom took great care of this very rare F350.

can it even go over speed bumps? hahaha
Where do you park when you go out? I mean I know my dad's F-250 with with the boat attached is hard enough, I assume you need RV parking for this beast!

How do you make it through the drive through?
Does it have its own zip code?
Careful when you park next to small cars, the gravitational pull might get you some new dents.

That friggin thing is so damn long!!

It looks to nbe in showroom quality shape!

It really as nice in person as the pictures make it look.

I dont have a problem driving it or with any parking issues. I have never parked any of my vehicles up close anywhere as I hate door dings, etc, so I park in the back of the lots with no issues. :)

It isnt a good truck if you like to be nimble and go in and out of traffic. This truck is for pulling and lookin good while on the road haha :)

on those long straight TX roads :) I think its friggin sweet man!! You could put a theater in the back seats and a hot tub in the bed, talk about a road trip/camping machine!!

The streets are so congested where I live with all of the double parked cars on one way streets, and inability to find a parking spot even for a subcompact car that some people don't even own cars here. They just take buses, trains, and car services. They have street cleaning 2X a week (4X in some areas) that make it even harder. If you are looking for parking after 6, or 7PM with street cleaning the next day in the morning, then you have to park a couple of blocks away just to find a spot. It is a major project. To make it even harder, you have 3 or 4 hydrants on each block, and very narrow houses with driveways on each side, so you can't park anything bigger than a Honda Civic coupe, or Saturn Coupe in those spaces. I have a minivan that isn't much larger than an average car which won't fit in those spots.

You need a BII with metal bumpers, you can park them anywhere!

Does Centurion make a 8 door?

Nice rig, some 4 year old kid to his mom my crew cab long bed 350 at the gas station last week- "Mom that's the longest truck I've ever seen"

how bout the monster limo


  • At%20night.jpg
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Nice truck man, do you happen to have any pics of the inside?

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I will try and get some interior shots this weekend for you guys. Thanks for the compliments. The hard part is getting anywhere quickly, not so much because of the trucks size, but everywhere you stop everyone wants to take pictures, etc.
Its fun though.
Wait until they see my monster explorer behind it.
