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Brake Caliper slider Pins


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February 11, 2010
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2002 XLS
As part of the brake job for my 2002 Explorer I was planning on removing, cleaning, and lubricating the brake caliper slider pins. However I read a post on here that mentioned that the caliper slider pins cannot be removed. Is this true?

See last post from Oldwolf here:

Also, are the anti squeal shims stock on all four calipers, or are they added by some people to reduce brake noise?

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They do come out, and they are serviceable. I just did my front brakes last month, and I pulled the pins out of the caliber, to re-grease them. There are little rubber boots on them, just make sure that when you put them back on that the boots completely attach back to the caliper, this will keep dirt, etc from going inside.

As far as the shim clips, yes they are on all 4 calipers. However most new brake pads don't come with the new metal plates, so many people reuse them. However, when I just did my pads, I went with the Autozone Duralast Gold C-Max pads, which come with new clips. Here's a link for a reference: Click

Thanks potroast. With regards to the caliper pins, do they just pull out with a pair of pliers, or do you screw them out? Any special tools necessary?

When using the shim clips do you find it necessary to use any of the anti-squeal paste on the back of the pads?


The caliper pins just pull straight out. They aren't locked or threaded. As soon as you pull off your caliper, you can slide them out. It's a good time to check the boot condition on the pins as well, since they keep the dirt and dust from getting in the hole where the pins slide into. No tools necessary.

As far as the shims go, you still need to use the anti-squeal on the back of the pads regardless. The Duralast Gold C-Max's I bought from AutoZone came with a squeeze pack of the stuff, as well as the new shim clips. Your run of the mill semi-metallic brands don't come with the new shim clips or the anti-squeal...the ones mentioned above come as a kit, and they are 100% ceramic, which is ideal for performance braking as well as durability.

When re-greasing the pins try using a Bronze or Copper based paste. These products are designed not to harden, wash away and withstand high temps. I also know that Permatex has a Aluminum, Copper and Graphite blend that also withstands saltwater. They're available in small quantities as well as large.

Also, I've had very good results with the Wagner ThermoQuiet brake pads. The silencer material is integral to the back of the pad.

I think I was saying the rear pins do not come out. But honestly, that was so long ago I cannot remember what I did with the rear pins.

I think I was saying the rear pins do not come out. But honestly, that was so long ago I cannot remember what I did with the rear pins.

it was a long time ago too, aren't they just the 2 caliper bolts? Once the bolts are out the caliper can be removed. Fronts have the Bracket no bracket on the rears.

05 mountaineer brake slider pins

My mountaineer has little rubber sleves on the front slider pins but only on two of the four bolts on the front so idk if the rubber sleves go on the top bolts or the bottom bolts if anyone knows please let me know thank you
